Tuesday, October 27, 2015

118. Specimen QP EDU 05 - Restructured Two Year Curriculum

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

Sem I   EDU. 0. 5   : Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis: English

Time:2 hours                                                                           Marks:50                                                                                                                          

I. (1-5) Answer all questions choosing the correct answer from the

1.An  appropriate support resource to improve the pronunciation of
      Students  is …………………
    a) LCD Projector   b) Internet   c) Language Lab  d) Blackboard
2. Which skill can help ensure sustained attention of pupils in the class?
    a) Skill of Reinforcement        b) Skill of using the Blackboard
    c) Skill of Stimulus-variation d) Skill of Explaining
3. ………… was newly introduced into the Revised Taxonomy of  Bloom (2001).
       a) Apply        b) Analyze      c) Evaluate d) Create
4. The sub skill of reading that makes learners  anticipate the end of a sentence, or story, using language they already know  is………………….
    a)  Proscribing  b)Prompting  c) Predicting   d) Prioritizing
5. ………….is a process  in an institution that involves  identification of resources that facilitates  learning   and finding ways  of  filling  gaps through community resources.
 a) Statistical  analysis      b)Mentoring
 c) Micro Management       d) Resource Mapping
                                                                                               (1 X 5 = 5)


II. (6-10) Answer all questions and fill up the blanks alternatives.
6. ………………….is  glancing through a text for general information.
7…………………  represents the blending of content and pedagogy into an understanding of how particular aspects of subject matter are organized, adapted, and represented for instruction.
8.Language learning is now  seen as moving beyond the traditional four skills to the development of the indispensable  fifth skill namely  …………
 9. According to  CC Fries, English words  fall  into two broad types content or lexical words   and ……………………………
10. In ……………… short lessons  are  presented to a small group of peers and  the presenter receives detailed feedback on own performance.
                                                                                              (1 X 5 = 5)

III. (11-15)   Attempt all questions in two or three sentences each.
11. Mention  two effective ways of using  newspapers  for teaching English.
12. Suggest two scoring indicators  for assessing  a ‘Notice’ in English.
13. What is ‘Passive Vocabulary’?
14. What  are function words?
15. What  are the objectives  of teaching poems ?
                                                                                             (2 x 5 =10)


IV. (16-21)  Answer any four questions not exceeding  a page and a half.
16. Write short notes on ‘Resource Mapping’.
17. Write short notes on ‘Classroom  Management’.
18. Mention the importance of Micro-teaching. Develop a lesson based on
      the Skill of  Introduction.
19. Illustrate Inductive and Deductive methods of teaching grammar.
20. Prepare a plan of action  to help  learners  develop the ability to appreciate poems.
21. Suggest suitable techniques and strategies for developing vocabulary.
                                                                                            (5 x 4 = 20)


V. (22-23).Answer any one question not exceeding three pages.                            
22. How can teaching aids  be effectively   in the English language classroom? Illustrate with reference to  the content prescribed for study in the SCERT Course Book.                                                                                                                                     23. What are thinking skills? Illustrate  ways of developing Critical, Creative and Problem solving skills in the English class room.  (10 x 1 = 10)                                                                                            
                                         * *  * * * * *
1.c. Language Lab 
2.c.Skill of Stimulus-variation
3.d. Create
5.d.Resource Mapping
6. Skimming 
7. Pedagogic Content Knowledge(PCK)
8. thinking/processing
9. structure, function or grammatical words
10. Microteaching
Prepared and Posted by
Dr. C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF and
Convenor, Curriculum Revision Two-year BEd (English)
University of Kerala

117. Specimen QP EDU 04 - Restructured Two Year Curriculum

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

Sem I   EDU. 0. 4   : Theoretical Base of English Language Education
Time:2 hours                                                                           Marks:50                                                                                                                      
                           PART A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS

I. (1-5) Answer all questions choosing the correct answer from the

1.The status of English in India is that of …..
a) Associate Official Language           b) Official Language
c) National Language                        d) Indo-Global Language
2. How will you expand LAD in Chomskian version?    
a) Language Aptitude Demarcation           b)  Learner Applied discourse                                                                                              
c) Language Acquisition Device                 d) Learner Ability Description                                                                  

3.Social Constructivism was proposed by…….
a) Peztalozzi                   b) Kohler              c) Levotsky            d) Vygotsky
4. ………………… advocates the  use of rods and colour-coded pronunciation charts.
a) Total Physical Response       b) Silent Way       
c) Suggestopedia                      d) Community Language Learning

5. ………..….. states that  in order for acquirers to progress to the next stage in the acquisition of the target language, they need to understand input language.
a) Output Hypothesis                           b) Input Hypothesis
c) Stage Hypothesis                              d) Language Hypothesis                          
                                                                                            (1 X 5 = 5)


II. (6-10) Answer all questions and fill up the blanks alternatives.

6.Suggestopedia was developed by …….…..
7………………..advocates the use of tasks that involve “information gap” and “information transfer”.
8. In English language teaching  ESP stands for …….……..
9………………. refers to  the nature of subject matter to be taught  and is                                 a  set of  correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language  teaching                                     and learning.
10. The expansion of TESOL is ………………


III. (11-15)   Attempt all questions in two or three sentences each.                           

11.Write two maxims of teaching relevant to  the English language classroom.
12. Explain Linguistic Intelligence.
13.Mention any two major tenets of Audio-lingual Method.
14Mention any two differences in learning English as Second Language (L2) and as Foreign Language (FL)?
15.Why is English called a “Link Language”?
                                                                                                     (2 x 5 =10)


IV. (16-21)  Answer any four questions not exceeding  a page and a half.  

16.How do the variables related to  rural and urban background of students affect the teaching of English?
17.Suggest ways of developing Multiple Intelligence in the English classroom.
18.What are  Krashen’s views on  language learning ?
19.Discuss the key assumptions of Task Based language teaching.
20.Write short notes on the competencies of effective language teachers.
21. Write short notes on the relationship between language and culture
                                                                                                         (5 x 4 = 20)


V. (22-23).Answer any one question not exceeding three pages.                             

22.  Many successful modern methods of teaching languages are both  learner centred and experience focused.  Illustrate  with suitable examples.

23. To many Constructivists, “Behavourism is outdated and dead”. Do you agree with this view.  Justify your view  by  citing examples of the effectiveness of teaching strategies  employed in  English classrooms following the  Behaviourist/Constructivist mode.
                                                                                    (10 x 1 = 10)
                               * *  * * * * *

1.b. Official language
2.c.Language Acquisition Device
3.d. Vygotsky
4.b.Silent Way
5.b.Input Hypothesis
6. Georgi Lozanov
7.Communicative Language Teaching
8.English for Special Purpose
9. Approach
10.Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Prepared and Posted by
Dr. C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF and
Convenor, Curriculum Revision Two-year BEd (English)
University of Kerala