Sunday, February 7, 2010

17. KUETEF’s Doubt Clearing Session

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

Dear Teacher Educators,

KUETEF is now offering you a rare chance to clear doubts regarding topics prescribed for study in the BEd. English syllabus of the University of Kerala.

On the comments section of this Blog post please type questions for which you require answers. The members of KUETEF will clarify your doubts during the eighth meeting of KUETEF scheduled to be held on 17 April 2010 at Govt. College of Teacher Education, Trivandrum

With warm regards

Secretary, KUETEF

16.Agenda for Eighth Meeting

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

Given below is a tentative agenda for the Eighth meeting of KUETEF scheduled to be held at Govt. CTE, Trivandrum on 17 April 2010.

•Preparation of Model Diagnostic Test

•Preparation of Model Achievement Test

•Doubt Clearing Session based on questions related to the topics prescribed for study in the BEd English Syllabus of Kerala University.

•Demo of Models in ELT(if time permits)

All English Teacher Educators of the colleges affiliated to the University of Kerala are cordially invited to attend the meeting.

On behalf of the members of KUETEF

Secretary, KUETEF

15. Consensus: 06 February 2010

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

Given below is a consensus arrived at by members of KUETEF regarding BEd curriculum transaction, during the Seventh meeting of KUETEF held at Karmela Rani Training College, Kollam on 06 February 2010.

•Diagnostic Tests prepared by the trainees should focus on five areas and should have a minimum of 25 questions.

•Diagnostic Test given during the First Semester is to be conducted on the first or second day of the 10-Day first spell of Practice Teaching.

•The five areas identified for the Diagnostic Test are

* Vocabulary…………Multiple choice questions

* Spelling …………… Multiple choice questions

* Grammar …………. Multiple choice questions

* Paragraph Writing … to check #1 Ability to communicate # 2 Choice of
Vocabulary # 3 Punctuation

* Comprehension …. True-False or Yes-No questions based on the content of
the Course Book

•Diagnostic Test during the first spell, is to be set on topics already taught to the pupils in school, prior to the commencement of the First Spell of Practice Teaching. The test should be conducted on the first or second day itself, so that trainees get a fair idea of the ability of the pupils. [It may however be noted that in the Syllabus it is stated that the Diagnostic Test should be conducted towards the end of the First Spell of Practice Teaching]

•Diagnostic Test during the Second spell of Practice Teaching should be conducted after ten days of Practice Teaching. The questions on the five areas identified above should be from the content taught by the trainee in the first ten days of the Second Spell, so that remedial work necessary can be given to the pupils during the last ten days of the Second Spell of Practice Teaching.

•The Achievement Test and Blue Print to be prepared by the trainees during the Second Spell of Practice Teaching should be modelled on the ten Mental Processes identified in Source Book supplied by the SCERT.

14. Report of Seventh Meeting of KUETEF

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

The workshop cum seventh meeting of KUETEF was held at Karmela Rani Training College(KRTC), Kollam on 06 February 2010. Though 46 Lecturers of Teacher Education colleges were intimated by Post Card, only 17 members turned up for the workshop/meeting. A few members had earlier informed the Secretary, their inability to attend owing to other personal engagements.

The meeting (normal deliberations) commenced at a quarter past three in the afternoon. The Secretary of KUETEF, Mr. C. Praveen presented the Report of the Sixth meeting and also briefed the participants of the activities undertaken after the sixth meeting. The report was approved by the members.

Copies of the Teaching Manual based on the consensus arrived at during the sixth meeting, prepared by a member of KUETEF Ms. Anu Mukund was made available. Fr. Joseph, the Vice President of KUETEF arranged for the free xeroxing of the copies for the members who expressed a desire to have a copy of the Teaching Manual.

It was pointed out that although six demo of models were planned only four could be completed during the workshop. So it was decided to have the next two demos during the next meeting of KUETEF.

The academic discussion focused on the format and objective of the Diagnostic Test. The change in format of the Achievement Test, many participants felt, had to be given due attention. Accordingly it was decided to hold the eighth meeting of KUETEF on the third Saturday in April (17 .IV.2010) at Govt. CTE, Trivandrum to prepare model Diagnostic Test and model Achievement Test

The Secretary also mentioned that he had not yet received questions for clarification based on the BEd syllabus. So it was decided to collect questions from Teacher Educators prior to the eighth meeting by email and set aside one hour for discussion during the eighth meeting.

The meeting had to be concluded at 3.45PM to enable the members to attend the Valedictory function of the workshop.

13. Report of Workshop: Models in ELT

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

A workshop on Models in ELT was organized by Karmela Rani Training College(KRTC), Kollam in association with KUETEF. The programme originally scheduled for 10.00 AM was slightly delayed as many participants were unaware of the fact that KRTC had shifted to the new campus two kilometres away from the old campus near the Quilon Jn Railway station. However, for those Teacher Educators who arrived early, the delay turned out to be a blessing in disguise as they could find time to meet their peers to discuss problems in BEd curriculum transaction.

•Venue details:

* Main Venue : Auditorium of Karmela Rani Training College, Kollam
* The corridor of the Auditorium : Displays on chart/cutouts on Models of teaching prepared by the BEd. trainees of KRTC, Kollam.
* Audio/ Video support including LCD projectors and OHP operated by the Non-teaching staff of KRTC.

•The Inaugural Meeting

* On the Dias

* Fr. Joseph J, Vice President of KUETEF and HOD, English, KRTC, Kollam
* Dr. Mini, Member KUETEF and Sel. Gr. Lecturer, NSS Training College,Pandalam
* Ms. Anila Chacko, Treasurer of KUETEF and Principal St. Thomas Training College,
Mukolakkal, Trivandrum
* Mr. C.Praveen, Secretary of KUETEF and HOD English, Govt. CTE, Trivandrum

•The Audience
* Twelve Teacher Educators of colleges affiliated to the University of Kerala
* B Ed English optional trainees of KRTC, Kollam
* Twelve school children of a neighbouring school

•The Meeting
* Time 10.50 AM. The Workshop commenced with a prayer by the trainees of KRTC,

* Welcome Speech : Fr. Joseph in his welcome speech described the KUETEF fraternity as friends, well wishers, acquaintances, and collaborators who have got together to share their experiences and expertise for the noble vocation of teacher education. He also recalled the day in which KUETEF was originally launched five years ago in the same college. He also expressed his happiness at the strides made by KUETEF ever since its inception.

* Inauguration: Ms. Anila Chacko lighted the lamp and inaugurated the workshop. She said that she deemed it a rare honour to be assigned such a role and expressed her wish that the workshop would turn out to be useful to the participants.

* Keynote address : Dr. Mini in her address, referred to the yawning gap between what we were taught and what we actually practice in the class room. She also emphasized the need to develop ones own philosophy of teaching.

* Presidential Address: Mr. C.Praveen had presided over the meeting in the absence of the President of KUETEF, Dr. M.S. Geetha, the Principal of Govt. CTE, Trivandrum. Mr. C.Praveen began by recalling the sense of discomfort he had both while he was a PG student of education and his early days as a Teacher Educator when he struggled to grasp the contents of Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil’s book Models of Teaching.He expressed the hope that the workshop would turn out to be a fruitful academic exercise for the participants.

* Vote of Thanks : Ms. Neethu Mary Philip, a trainee of the English Optional of KRTC, Kollam, thanked the guest and audience.

•Tea Break : The inauguration ceremony was followed by a light tea.

•Preview of Models: Immediately after tea the BEd trainees of KRTC, Kollam gave a quick preview of the Phases and Syntax of the different models using an LCD projector and OHP. The hand out supplied to the participants of the workshop during registration also turned out to be helpful.

•Demonstration of Models :

A total of four models were demonstrated during the forenoon and afternoon session. All the teacher educators who demonstrated, made profuse use of Charts, Black Board, LCD projector and handouts.

* First Demo : Mr. C. Praveen, demonstrated the Advance Organizer Model
* Second Demo: Ms. Anila Chacko demonstrated the Constructivist Model

•Lunch Break : Lunch like tea was sponsored by the host institution KRTC, Kollam. During lunch break the new members registered and joined KUETEF.

* Third Demo: Ms. Durga of MITE, Chavercode, demonstrated Inductive Thinking Model
* Fourth Demo: Fr. Joseph demonstrated the Synectics Model.

The demonstration sessions came to an end around a quarter past three.

•Business session : A few minutes after the demo session was set aside for the normal business session of KUETEF

•Valedictory session : It commenced at ten minutes to 4 PM.

* Prof. Andrews, the Principal of KRTC, Kollam presided

* Fr. Joseph welcomed the gathering

* Ms Sanju Sivadas class representative English Optional KRTC, Kollam presented a report of the Workshop

* Prof.Andrews in his valedictory address stressed the importance of English Language Teaching and congratulated the participants and the convenor of the workshop . He also distributed the certificates of the workshop.

* Mr.C.Praveen who offered the vote of thanks for the session began by expressing his immense satisfaction at the sense of academic comradeire shown by the Teacher Educators who had come to share and learn. He thanked the management, the Principal, Staff and students of KRTC, Kollam for organizing the workshop and specially appreciated the meticulous planning for the workshop by the organizers.

•The meeting concluded with a standing ovation given to Fr. Joseph for his efforts at organizing a fruitful seminar.

•Tea: Around a quarter past four, before leaving, all the participants of the workshop had tea together.