Friday, April 3, 2015

115. A new curriculum for English evolves

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

Teacher Educators in different Optional subjects are now working on the following Curriculum Framework  for the Two year B.Ed Course  :

Semester 1: (June – October)
EDU. 0. 4   : Theoretical Base of English Language Education

EDU. 0. 5   : Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis: English

Semester 2: (November – March)

EDU. 0. 9    : Curriculum and Resources in a Digital Era English Language Education

EDU. 0. 10  :Techno Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis: English

Semester 3: (June – October)

EDU 0.13  : Emerging Trends and Practices in English Language Education

Semester 4: (November – March)
Practical EDU – 401: Minor Project and Internship for 16 weeks

Work in progress:

* Preparation of a list of books/Websites with links  for references.

* Preparation of the following Grid for each unit specifying the hours.

(What the Student-Teachers may achieve)
(Concepts and Knowledge of functional dimensions of concepts)
APPROACHES (Initiated  by the mentor)
(To assess the progress of the novice)

* Preparation of Model Question Paper with Key for all the five papers.

*Compilation of materials for  a Handbook to help newly recruited teachers  transact the  curriculum with the assistance of the Handbook.

Posted by Dr.C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF and
Convenor, Curriculum Revision (English)

114. Curriculum-based discussions

       [Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

During the inaugural session of the  Creative Workshop [Mar Theophilus Training College, Nalanchira from 16 to 19 March 2015]   the participants were made to reflect on  certain issues related to curriculum transaction which were conveniently ignored in recent years.  These and other aspects which came up for discussion are mentioned below:

* During the Practical Examination held recently it was shocking to  find that certain newly recruited teacher educators were completely unaware of the revision of the BEd curriculum of University of  Kerala in 2013-14!

* Teacher educators fail to realize that they have to be learners too.

* The need for extensive research to explore the changing dimensions of  the psychological aspects of teaching and learning in a techno-pedagogical setting.

*Knowledge domain of a teacher includes ‘substantive knowledge’ and ‘syntactic knowledge’. Unfortunately  the Knowledge domain a prospective teacher is expected to attain is seldom  checked properly before awarding the BEd degree.

*The significance of  a longer duration of Practice Teaching had hitherto been ignored. For, only  if knowledge gained from the theory class in Methodology is applied during Practice Teaching  in different types of classes do  trainees develop  a sound pedagogical knowledge.

The  teacher educators attending the Workshop  were also directed to identify/ complete the following during the workshop:
*Objectives of the Course
*Units prescribed for study
*How the Units are to be transacted
*Hours to be set aside for each  Unit.
*Latest reference material for  each Unit.
*Identify ways of  enhancing professional competence.

Posted by Dr.C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF and
Convenor, Curriculum Revision (English)