[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum-KUETEF]
During the IX Meeting of KUETEF, Fr. Joseph J provided copies of the Circular on Practicums to the members present. The following is an extract from the Circular.
[See Order No Ac.A.III/2/936/2008 dated 25.11.2008 issued by the Registrar, University of Kerala]
•Practicum is to be organized as an unique individualized, supervised experience that explores comprehensive written assignments, on-the-job practice, and innovative performance evaluation, so as to measure how a student has applied his/her talent, efforts and other resources towards achieving better professional performance.
•Practicum is to be conceived as a specialized essential experience designed to give students supervised practical application of the theoretical orientation to real instructional/allied situations where the supervisor will provide guidance to improve different aspects of practice and addressing varied student concerns in actual situations.
The following criteria should be kept in view while developing different components of the Practicum:
•Problem Oriented
•Inquiry Supported
•Socially Relevant
•Empirically Supported
•Personally Meaningful
•Based on established theory
•Professionally focused
It is necessary that special training be given to the would-be teachers in problem-solving following the scientific method.
Group/ individualized discussion work should be taken up by the mentor or a specialist as the problem demands.
Trainees should be given guidance in the following:
•Defining a problem and formulation of a hypothesis relating to the problem
•Collection of data for verification of the hypothesis, generalization, following confirmation/rejection of the hypothesis etc.
The practicums can be of the following type:
1.Based on analytical studies
2.Institutional case studies
3.Simple Action Research
4.Simple teaching models
5.Review of information such as textbooks/articles/websites
6.Design and application of simple teacher-made psychological tests
7.Environmental studies
8.Simple problem-based studies
9.Institutional Surveys
10.Construction of evaluation tools and techniques for specialized measurement
11.Preparation of software and technologically supported materials
12.Improvisation of learning materials
Guidelines for designing/reporting a problem for investigation
Note : The following steps are only suggestive and appropriate variation can be made according to the nature of the problem:
a.An introduction highlighting need and significance of the problem under study
b.Statement of the problem using appropriate terminology
d.Methodology including the sample (if any)
e.Tools if any
f.Analysis and interpretation of data
g.Conclusions with suggestions
Note: The typed report should not exceed seven pages
For each semester the student teacher has to submit four practicums of which two will be problem-based and the rest could be of a general nature
Note: The list is provided merely for developing an understanding of the scope and has to be modified with individual problems assigned to each student without repetition.
•Text book analysis Std VIII, IX and X (each student teacher may attempt at least one standard.[This Practicum is compulsory for students who have chosen language as optional]
•Module preparation ( For any one lesson they have taught during Teaching Practice)
•Book reviews ( Any one of the books in a particular language which has won reader’s acceptance)
•Case Studies / Institutional–based Case Studies
•Documentation (on a particular topic)
•Preparation of a Class Magazine – Collecting articles from each student teacher (manuscript or printed)
•An album (collecting pictures useful for learning a particular language)
•Preparation of psychological tests (teacher- made tests)
•Preparation of a year plan
•Summary of the visit to socially important places (like juvenile homes, orphanages, jail, hospitals etc.
•Making a list of audio visual aids used in their own institutions for making teaching/learning effective(with relevant explanation about the size, cost and purpose of the aid and how it is used)
•Film reviews (socially significant films)
Problem-based Practicum in the language section
Problems related to the following aspects of language learning are recommended:
a.Sounds of the language
b.Problems related to the basic skills of the language (listening , speaking, reading, writing and study skills)
e.Grammar/forms and functions
f.Teaching of prose lessons
g.Teaching of poetry lessons
h.Teaching of supplementary readers
i.Problem related to evaluation/examination
j.Problem related to Methods of teaching
k.Problem related to approaches
The problem-based practicums may contain the following steps
The number of pages of each practicum should not exceed 7 pages
1.Introduction (one or two pages)
Need and significance
Statement of the problem
2.Methodology ( one or two pages)
Tools, sample chosen and procedure (if any)
3.Analysis and interpretation (one and a half page)
4.Conclusion and suggestion if any (one page)
5.References (at least three books/other references) (half page)
Note: There may be problems which do not have/need not have the above steps. In that case, reliable steps accepted for a qualitative research work can also be taken into consideration.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
38. Consensus IX Meeting
[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum -KUETEF]
After discussing issues related to curriculum transaction, the members present, arrived at the following consensus:
Lesson Plans
•The trainees should prepare thirty Lesson Plans for the thirty working days specified by the University during the Second Spell of Practice Teaching.
Models of Teaching
•Though during the Practical Examination for the 2009-10 batch, the examiners did not insist on trainees engaging a class based on Models of teaching, the teacher educator should direct the trainees to engage at least two periods on two models during Practice Teaching.
•It is a fact that not all Models of teaching prescribed in the syllabus is suitable for teaching of English. (Eg. The Inquiry Training Model which is a favourite of Science Teacher Educators) Hence, Teacher Educators should familiarize themselves with the Handbook on Models of Teaching brought out by the Department of Education, University of Kerala which has specimen Lesson Plans based on different models for the teaching of English)
•The Models of Teaching which are most suitable for English are
* Concept Attainment Model * Direct Instruction Model
* Advance Organizer Model and * Synectics Model
• Some Models do require more than 30 to 40 minutes (the normal duration of a school period) So, trainees may be encouraged to integrate relevant phases of models to normal classroom transaction (Eg.The presentation of Advance Organizers)
• A Model titled Constructivist Model which some trainees have adopted for writing Lesson Plans does not appear to be taken from any standard Reference Book similar to Models of Teaching by Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil. As its origin appears dubious, its use should be discouraged.
The Interactive Model
•The Lesson Plan on Interactive Model available with some teacher educators if found suitable may be circulated among the members.
Criticism of the Three column Lesson Plan
•Many Supervisors in schools have dubbed the three-column-Lesson Plan prepared by trainees as outdated. But as teacher educators of colleges affiliated to the University of Kerala, it is obligatory on our part to instruct our trainees to follow directions specified in the syllabus regarding recording of principles drawn from Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy of Education in the Lesson Plans in the third column.
On teaching theories of Learning
• The irrational inclusion of Theories of Learning in the Second Semester which is invariably taught in many colleges after Practice Teaching need to be addressed when the curriculum is revised.
On the First Spell of Practice Teaching
• Many members found the First Spell of Practice Teaching (for ten days) failing to fetch the desired result as they are asked to teach in schools without being given a proper foundation in teaching and learning.! However, many felt that the ten-day exposure trainees receive during the First Spell of Practice Teaching prepares them for a better performance during the Second Spell of Practice Teaching.
On Micro Teaching
•There is a dire need to include Micro Teaching as a compulsory topic. If included it would ensure trainees familiarizing themselves with a few teaching skills prior to Practice Teaching. Hence, this should be brought to the attention of the Board of Studies.
Practicums in English
• Many trainees are finding the BEd course particularly taxing owing to the sheer number of Practicums they have to prepare – viz; four per paper and a total of forty Practicums! The members felt that two Practicums per paper would suffice. Hence this matter should be brought to the notice of the Board of Studies.
Specimen topics for Problem-based Practicums listed include the following:
• The Problems encountered by High School students in pronouncing certain sounds in English and suitable remedies to over come them.
•Addressing Problems in Spelling
•Problems ecountered in the teaching of Grammar.
Topics for General Practicums
Non-Problem based study which is more a Survey can include the following:
•A study on the practicability of organizing, Pair Work and Group Work
•A survey of the strategies employed for developing vocabulary in secondary school children.
Circular on Practicums
•The Circular from the Registrar regarding the kind of Practicums which may be given to trainees should be made available to the Teacher Educators who have recently joined the profession.
•The directions given in the Circular mentioned above is fairly comprehensive. But it is a fact that not all trainees are competent enough to take up Problem-based Practicums and complete them following all the steps. To overcome this, Teacher Educators should encourage brighter trainees to take up new topics on Problem–based Practicums. Let the weaker trainees take up the same topic for Problem Solving which is likely to have the same steps but ensure that they actually collect the relevant data from the schools they attend for Practice Teaching.
•While trainees choose a topic for their Practicum check whether it is manageable in terms of the ability of the trainee, the time available and the resources at hand. Necessary assistance should be provided to the trainee for identifying the problem, formulating a hypothesis (if necessary) and tips should be offered regarding ways of collecting data.
Innovative Work
As the current trend focuses on a shift to Computer–based learning , encourage trainees to prepare digital teaching materials or digital self-learning materials as part of their Innovative Work. Encourage trainees to exploit visuals, text, music, animation and video in the production of digital materials.
•While trainees suggest Innovative work which they intend to submit, ensure that it actually nurtures the production of novel and creative products that enhances language learning.
Extended Reading in the new Course Book
•While teaching topics under Extended Reading prescribed for study in the new Course Book, if the students require it let the trainee teach new words/ provide model reading. What is important is that the associated skill should be mastered by the students.
Intimating Board of Studies
All the issues discussed which affects proper curriculum transaction need to be brought to the notice of the Board of Studies through the Dean of the faculty of Education, Dr. M.S.Geetha.
After discussing issues related to curriculum transaction, the members present, arrived at the following consensus:
Lesson Plans
•The trainees should prepare thirty Lesson Plans for the thirty working days specified by the University during the Second Spell of Practice Teaching.
Models of Teaching
•Though during the Practical Examination for the 2009-10 batch, the examiners did not insist on trainees engaging a class based on Models of teaching, the teacher educator should direct the trainees to engage at least two periods on two models during Practice Teaching.
•It is a fact that not all Models of teaching prescribed in the syllabus is suitable for teaching of English. (Eg. The Inquiry Training Model which is a favourite of Science Teacher Educators) Hence, Teacher Educators should familiarize themselves with the Handbook on Models of Teaching brought out by the Department of Education, University of Kerala which has specimen Lesson Plans based on different models for the teaching of English)
•The Models of Teaching which are most suitable for English are
* Concept Attainment Model * Direct Instruction Model
* Advance Organizer Model and * Synectics Model
• Some Models do require more than 30 to 40 minutes (the normal duration of a school period) So, trainees may be encouraged to integrate relevant phases of models to normal classroom transaction (Eg.The presentation of Advance Organizers)
• A Model titled Constructivist Model which some trainees have adopted for writing Lesson Plans does not appear to be taken from any standard Reference Book similar to Models of Teaching by Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil. As its origin appears dubious, its use should be discouraged.
The Interactive Model
•The Lesson Plan on Interactive Model available with some teacher educators if found suitable may be circulated among the members.
Criticism of the Three column Lesson Plan
•Many Supervisors in schools have dubbed the three-column-Lesson Plan prepared by trainees as outdated. But as teacher educators of colleges affiliated to the University of Kerala, it is obligatory on our part to instruct our trainees to follow directions specified in the syllabus regarding recording of principles drawn from Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy of Education in the Lesson Plans in the third column.
On teaching theories of Learning
• The irrational inclusion of Theories of Learning in the Second Semester which is invariably taught in many colleges after Practice Teaching need to be addressed when the curriculum is revised.
On the First Spell of Practice Teaching
• Many members found the First Spell of Practice Teaching (for ten days) failing to fetch the desired result as they are asked to teach in schools without being given a proper foundation in teaching and learning.! However, many felt that the ten-day exposure trainees receive during the First Spell of Practice Teaching prepares them for a better performance during the Second Spell of Practice Teaching.
On Micro Teaching
•There is a dire need to include Micro Teaching as a compulsory topic. If included it would ensure trainees familiarizing themselves with a few teaching skills prior to Practice Teaching. Hence, this should be brought to the attention of the Board of Studies.
Practicums in English
• Many trainees are finding the BEd course particularly taxing owing to the sheer number of Practicums they have to prepare – viz; four per paper and a total of forty Practicums! The members felt that two Practicums per paper would suffice. Hence this matter should be brought to the notice of the Board of Studies.
Specimen topics for Problem-based Practicums listed include the following:
• The Problems encountered by High School students in pronouncing certain sounds in English and suitable remedies to over come them.
•Addressing Problems in Spelling
•Problems ecountered in the teaching of Grammar.
Topics for General Practicums
Non-Problem based study which is more a Survey can include the following:
•A study on the practicability of organizing, Pair Work and Group Work
•A survey of the strategies employed for developing vocabulary in secondary school children.
Circular on Practicums
•The Circular from the Registrar regarding the kind of Practicums which may be given to trainees should be made available to the Teacher Educators who have recently joined the profession.
•The directions given in the Circular mentioned above is fairly comprehensive. But it is a fact that not all trainees are competent enough to take up Problem-based Practicums and complete them following all the steps. To overcome this, Teacher Educators should encourage brighter trainees to take up new topics on Problem–based Practicums. Let the weaker trainees take up the same topic for Problem Solving which is likely to have the same steps but ensure that they actually collect the relevant data from the schools they attend for Practice Teaching.
•While trainees choose a topic for their Practicum check whether it is manageable in terms of the ability of the trainee, the time available and the resources at hand. Necessary assistance should be provided to the trainee for identifying the problem, formulating a hypothesis (if necessary) and tips should be offered regarding ways of collecting data.
Innovative Work
As the current trend focuses on a shift to Computer–based learning , encourage trainees to prepare digital teaching materials or digital self-learning materials as part of their Innovative Work. Encourage trainees to exploit visuals, text, music, animation and video in the production of digital materials.
•While trainees suggest Innovative work which they intend to submit, ensure that it actually nurtures the production of novel and creative products that enhances language learning.
Extended Reading in the new Course Book
•While teaching topics under Extended Reading prescribed for study in the new Course Book, if the students require it let the trainee teach new words/ provide model reading. What is important is that the associated skill should be mastered by the students.
Intimating Board of Studies
All the issues discussed which affects proper curriculum transaction need to be brought to the notice of the Board of Studies through the Dean of the faculty of Education, Dr. M.S.Geetha.
37. Report of IX Meeting
[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum- KUETEF]
Venue: Karmela Rani Training College, Kollam
Date: 11 June 2011
Overcoming minor inconveniences caused by the change of venue from Trivandrum to Kollam, the following teacher educators representing government-aided institutions, University Teacher Education centres and Self Financing Colleges, attended the IX Meeting of KUETEF.
Fr.Joseph John, Dr.C.Praveen, Mr. E.K.Jijan, Ms. Susan George, Mr. Scaria, Ms. Annie K Ommen and Ms. Ambili.
Two teacher educators, interested in joining the Forum Ms Nitha and Mr. Anoop also attended.
The meeting commenced at 10.45 AM with a prayer.
Fr. Joseph John, the Vice President of KUETEF welcomed the gathering. He expressed his immense happiness at the regular annual meeting organized by KUETEF albeit fall in attendance. He fondly recalled the day on which KUETEF was formally inaugurated in the very same venue a few years ago. He thanked all the members for volunteering to attend the IX meeting.
Fr. Joseph congratulated the President of KUETEF Dr. M.S.Geetha (in absentia) on her appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University of Kerala. Dr. C.Praveen, the Secretary of KUETEF was also congratulated on being awarded a doctorate by Kannur University.
After the Welcome speech, the participants introduced themselves.
Next Dr. C. Praveen, the Secretary, presented the Report of the eighth meeting and activities of the Forum since the VIII meeting. In the report mention was made of the refreshing trend among English Teacher Educators of the University of Kerala to get in touch with members of KUETEF to clarify doubts regarding curriculum transaction.
Since the eighth meeting, it was pointed out that the Blog posts have risen from 18 to 35 and the visitors to the KUETEF Blog have crossed the one thousand mark. The members present found the report quite satisfactory and it was accepted without any change.
Next, the Secretary presented the agenda for the day’s proceeding which included the following:
•Discussion regarding the introduction of the new Course Book for Standard X
•The change in duration of Teaching Practice
•Topics for Practicums
•The Interactive Model
•Innovative work
The discussions lasted nearly three hours.
Fr. Joseph arranged for a cake to be cut in honour of the Secretary’s achievement (for being awarded a doctorate). He also invited the participants to lunch.
The discussions during the short afternoon session focused on the ‘Innovative Work’ to be taken up by trainees. It was also decided to bring to the notice of the Dean of Studies in Education and the Board of Studies in Education of the University of Kerala, the problems in transaction of the BEd. Curriculum discussed during the day’s meeting.
Before the meeting concluded two proposals were made by the Secretary:
First, the organizing of annual meetings of KUETEF along with a regular Workshop or a Seminar which would draw more participants.
Second, if many members deem it necessary, a One-day Workshop to familiarize with the transaction strategy proposed by SCERT, Kerala for the newly introduced Standard X Course Book may be organized by KUETEF.
The meeting ended around 2 PM and Mr. Scaria offered the vote of thanks. All the members thanked Fr. Joseph who is now holding charge of the Principal of the college for his warm hospitality. The members were thanked for their whole-hearted participation in the discussions.
Venue: Karmela Rani Training College, Kollam
Date: 11 June 2011
Overcoming minor inconveniences caused by the change of venue from Trivandrum to Kollam, the following teacher educators representing government-aided institutions, University Teacher Education centres and Self Financing Colleges, attended the IX Meeting of KUETEF.
Fr.Joseph John, Dr.C.Praveen, Mr. E.K.Jijan, Ms. Susan George, Mr. Scaria, Ms. Annie K Ommen and Ms. Ambili.
Two teacher educators, interested in joining the Forum Ms Nitha and Mr. Anoop also attended.
The meeting commenced at 10.45 AM with a prayer.
Fr. Joseph John, the Vice President of KUETEF welcomed the gathering. He expressed his immense happiness at the regular annual meeting organized by KUETEF albeit fall in attendance. He fondly recalled the day on which KUETEF was formally inaugurated in the very same venue a few years ago. He thanked all the members for volunteering to attend the IX meeting.
Fr. Joseph congratulated the President of KUETEF Dr. M.S.Geetha (in absentia) on her appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University of Kerala. Dr. C.Praveen, the Secretary of KUETEF was also congratulated on being awarded a doctorate by Kannur University.
After the Welcome speech, the participants introduced themselves.
Next Dr. C. Praveen, the Secretary, presented the Report of the eighth meeting and activities of the Forum since the VIII meeting. In the report mention was made of the refreshing trend among English Teacher Educators of the University of Kerala to get in touch with members of KUETEF to clarify doubts regarding curriculum transaction.
Since the eighth meeting, it was pointed out that the Blog posts have risen from 18 to 35 and the visitors to the KUETEF Blog have crossed the one thousand mark. The members present found the report quite satisfactory and it was accepted without any change.
Next, the Secretary presented the agenda for the day’s proceeding which included the following:
•Discussion regarding the introduction of the new Course Book for Standard X
•The change in duration of Teaching Practice
•Topics for Practicums
•The Interactive Model
•Innovative work
The discussions lasted nearly three hours.
Fr. Joseph arranged for a cake to be cut in honour of the Secretary’s achievement (for being awarded a doctorate). He also invited the participants to lunch.
The discussions during the short afternoon session focused on the ‘Innovative Work’ to be taken up by trainees. It was also decided to bring to the notice of the Dean of Studies in Education and the Board of Studies in Education of the University of Kerala, the problems in transaction of the BEd. Curriculum discussed during the day’s meeting.
Before the meeting concluded two proposals were made by the Secretary:
First, the organizing of annual meetings of KUETEF along with a regular Workshop or a Seminar which would draw more participants.
Second, if many members deem it necessary, a One-day Workshop to familiarize with the transaction strategy proposed by SCERT, Kerala for the newly introduced Standard X Course Book may be organized by KUETEF.
The meeting ended around 2 PM and Mr. Scaria offered the vote of thanks. All the members thanked Fr. Joseph who is now holding charge of the Principal of the college for his warm hospitality. The members were thanked for their whole-hearted participation in the discussions.
36. Crossing The One Thousand Mark
[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum – KUETEF]
•The viewer count of this Blog crossed the one thousand mark in June 2011
•Besides India, there are visitors from countries including the US, the UK and Singapore.
The KUETEF fraternity would like to thank GOOGLE for providing this free site.
•The viewer count of this Blog crossed the one thousand mark in June 2011
•Besides India, there are visitors from countries including the US, the UK and Singapore.
The KUETEF fraternity would like to thank GOOGLE for providing this free site.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
35. Change of Venue
[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]
We had planned to hold the next meeting of KUETEF in the Open-air auditorium in the Museum Complex at Trivandrum. But quite unexpectedly the monsoon season has arrived early this year and it is likely to be inconvenient to hold the meeting in the Open-air auditorium. Hence it is decided to hold the IX meeting at Karmela Rani Training College (KRTC), Kollam.
The Vice President of KUETEF Fr. Joseph.J who is a faculty of KRTC, has consented to make all arrangements for the meeting.
Secretary, KUETEF
We had planned to hold the next meeting of KUETEF in the Open-air auditorium in the Museum Complex at Trivandrum. But quite unexpectedly the monsoon season has arrived early this year and it is likely to be inconvenient to hold the meeting in the Open-air auditorium. Hence it is decided to hold the IX meeting at Karmela Rani Training College (KRTC), Kollam.
The Vice President of KUETEF Fr. Joseph.J who is a faculty of KRTC, has consented to make all arrangements for the meeting.
Secretary, KUETEF
Thursday, June 2, 2011
34. An Invitation to Join KUETEF
[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]
Dear English Teacher Educators,
If you have recently joined a Teacher Training College affiliated to the University of Kerala, you are welcome to join the Forum.
Please attend the IXth Meeting of KUETEF scheduled for 11 June 2011
Details available in Previous Post # 33)
Join KUETEF and empower yourself…
With warm Regards
Secretary, KUETEF
Dear English Teacher Educators,
If you have recently joined a Teacher Training College affiliated to the University of Kerala, you are welcome to join the Forum.
Please attend the IXth Meeting of KUETEF scheduled for 11 June 2011
Details available in Previous Post # 33)
Join KUETEF and empower yourself…
With warm Regards
Secretary, KUETEF
33. Announcement IXth Meeting
[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]
Owing to several unforeseen circumstances it had not been possible for the members to meet after the commencement of the new academic year (2010-11). Last week a few members met at Govt. College for Women, Trivandrum which was the venue for the Centralized Valuation of the First Semester answer scripts. An informal meeting was held and many felt the need to hold a meeting prior to the commencement of the Second Spell of Practice Teaching. Accordingly it was decided to conduct the IXth meeting of KUETEF on 11 June 2011 Forenoon (Second Saturday). The venue will be the Open-air Auditorium, near Snake Park in the Museum Complex, Trivandrum.
The members are being intimated through Postal mail, email and SMS.
The proposed agenda for the IXth meeting:
•Compiling a List of Practicums in English (Problem-based and other studies) to be given to trainees.
•Identifying the phases, likely hypotheses and sources of data collection of select topics.
•Identifying appropriate strategies for analyzing the data that is collected.
•Identifying a set of common scoring indicators for use by the teacher educators for assessing the Problem-based Practicums and normal studies conducted by trainees for Internal Assessment.
•Compiling a list of Innovative work which could be undertaken by the trainees.
•Listing down the steps of the Interactive Model for teaching English and the preparation of a specimen Lesson Plan.
•Clarifying doubts regarding Content Analysis.
•Identifying strategies for developing communication skills of trainees.
Secretary, KUETEF
Owing to several unforeseen circumstances it had not been possible for the members to meet after the commencement of the new academic year (2010-11). Last week a few members met at Govt. College for Women, Trivandrum which was the venue for the Centralized Valuation of the First Semester answer scripts. An informal meeting was held and many felt the need to hold a meeting prior to the commencement of the Second Spell of Practice Teaching. Accordingly it was decided to conduct the IXth meeting of KUETEF on 11 June 2011 Forenoon (Second Saturday). The venue will be the Open-air Auditorium, near Snake Park in the Museum Complex, Trivandrum.
The members are being intimated through Postal mail, email and SMS.
The proposed agenda for the IXth meeting:
•Compiling a List of Practicums in English (Problem-based and other studies) to be given to trainees.
•Identifying the phases, likely hypotheses and sources of data collection of select topics.
•Identifying appropriate strategies for analyzing the data that is collected.
•Identifying a set of common scoring indicators for use by the teacher educators for assessing the Problem-based Practicums and normal studies conducted by trainees for Internal Assessment.
•Compiling a list of Innovative work which could be undertaken by the trainees.
•Listing down the steps of the Interactive Model for teaching English and the preparation of a specimen Lesson Plan.
•Clarifying doubts regarding Content Analysis.
•Identifying strategies for developing communication skills of trainees.
Secretary, KUETEF
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