Sunday, June 12, 2011

37. Report of IX Meeting

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum- KUETEF]

Venue: Karmela Rani Training College, Kollam

Date: 11 June 2011

Overcoming minor inconveniences caused by the change of venue from Trivandrum to Kollam, the following teacher educators representing government-aided institutions, University Teacher Education centres and Self Financing Colleges, attended the IX Meeting of KUETEF.

Fr.Joseph John, Dr.C.Praveen, Mr. E.K.Jijan, Ms. Susan George, Mr. Scaria, Ms. Annie K Ommen and Ms. Ambili.

Two teacher educators, interested in joining the Forum Ms Nitha and Mr. Anoop also attended.

The meeting commenced at 10.45 AM with a prayer.

Fr. Joseph John, the Vice President of KUETEF welcomed the gathering. He expressed his immense happiness at the regular annual meeting organized by KUETEF albeit fall in attendance. He fondly recalled the day on which KUETEF was formally inaugurated in the very same venue a few years ago. He thanked all the members for volunteering to attend the IX meeting.

Fr. Joseph congratulated the President of KUETEF Dr. M.S.Geetha (in absentia) on her appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University of Kerala. Dr. C.Praveen, the Secretary of KUETEF was also congratulated on being awarded a doctorate by Kannur University.

After the Welcome speech, the participants introduced themselves.

Next Dr. C. Praveen, the Secretary, presented the Report of the eighth meeting and activities of the Forum since the VIII meeting. In the report mention was made of the refreshing trend among English Teacher Educators of the University of Kerala to get in touch with members of KUETEF to clarify doubts regarding curriculum transaction.

Since the eighth meeting, it was pointed out that the Blog posts have risen from 18 to 35 and the visitors to the KUETEF Blog have crossed the one thousand mark. The members present found the report quite satisfactory and it was accepted without any change.

Next, the Secretary presented the agenda for the day’s proceeding which included the following:
•Discussion regarding the introduction of the new Course Book for Standard X
•The change in duration of Teaching Practice
•Topics for Practicums
•The Interactive Model
•Innovative work

The discussions lasted nearly three hours.

Fr. Joseph arranged for a cake to be cut in honour of the Secretary’s achievement (for being awarded a doctorate). He also invited the participants to lunch.

The discussions during the short afternoon session focused on the ‘Innovative Work’ to be taken up by trainees. It was also decided to bring to the notice of the Dean of Studies in Education and the Board of Studies in Education of the University of Kerala, the problems in transaction of the BEd. Curriculum discussed during the day’s meeting.

Before the meeting concluded two proposals were made by the Secretary:
First, the organizing of annual meetings of KUETEF along with a regular Workshop or a Seminar which would draw more participants.

Second, if many members deem it necessary, a One-day Workshop to familiarize with the transaction strategy proposed by SCERT, Kerala for the newly introduced Standard X Course Book may be organized by KUETEF.

The meeting ended around 2 PM and Mr. Scaria offered the vote of thanks. All the members thanked Fr. Joseph who is now holding charge of the Principal of the college for his warm hospitality. The members were thanked for their whole-hearted participation in the discussions.


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