Thursday, September 8, 2011

40. Some Teacher’s Day Thoughts

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum ( KUETEF)]

The following are quotes on teaching and teachers by Swami Vivekananda:

The first test of true teaching must be,  that the teaching should not contradict reason. (II :390)

All teaching implies giving and taking. (IV: 178)

He alone teaches who  has something to give, for teaching is not talking, teaching is not imparting doctrines, it is communicating. (IV: 177-78)

Until the inner teacher opens, all outside teaching is in vain. (VII : 71)

[Source : The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Advita  Ashrama]

 In an interview Laxman Gnawali of Nepal  was asked the question: “Are teachers in your country generally members of teachers’ associations?”

This was the answer given: “Yes, almost every teacher is a member of a teacher association but these associations are trade unions. These associations use their energy in putting pressure on the government for non academic issues. They hardly do any professional activity.”

[Source :]

Are things different in  India or in God’s  Own Country, Kerala?

I have a nasty experience to narrate: The Head of a leading  Teacher Training College in our State,  recently stated :  At the Post Graduate Level, (MEd) any one (meaning even a teacher with a background in Psychology) can teach the paper, Advance Methodology of Teaching English and even assess and evaluate  Seminars and Assignments in  the Paper! 

What is pathetic about the whole issue  is that the ‘Head’ in question is a teacher of English! It appears that the Head’s sole objective was to grab a Professor’s  post in the  offing  should a MEd department be set up in the college in which the ‘Head’ teaches…

It is not surprising to note that this finds a parallel in Teachers’ Associations in Nepal. The   Teacher Educators Association  which the ‘Head’  is an active member,  pretends to be ignorant neither of the stance taken by the ‘Head’ nor of the uproar it has created in Teacher Training Colleges across the State  which  attempted to emulate the stance taken by the ‘erring Head’ in question.

Let us vow to keep our Forum clean of  individuals  with selfish  interests.

Let us pray that  the minds of such ‘opportunists’ open up through teachings similar to Swami’s  quoted above...  
A very warm Teacher’s Day greetings to all  KUETEF members…

Dr. C. Praveen
Secretary, KUETEF

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