Tuesday, August 16, 2016

133. Unit 4: EDU 0.13

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

The following is a brief  summary of the topics prescribed for study under Unit 4 of EDU 0.13. A presentation of the same was made during the Academic Meeting of KUETEF held at Govt. CTE,Thiruvananthapuram on 11 August 2016.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It's a record of what you experience, learn and then apply. The CPD process helps you manage your own development on an ongoing basis.

Reflecting on own teaching
As professionals we care about our students and the quality of the lessons we prepare and deliver.
Reflecting on what you do in the class can reveal plenty about you as a teacher – your attitude to your work and your students, your role in the classroom, your management techniques, your lesson planning abilities…

Rubrics as assessment tool
Rubrics are a valuable tool for self-assessment. Rubrics not only list the success criteria but also provide descriptions of levels of performance, students are able to use them to monitor and evaluate their progress during an assessment task or activity.

Teacher Performance Standards
Teaching standards describe what teachers should know and be able to do in today’s learning context to ensure students attain these learning goals, as well as encourage teachers to build literacy and thinking skills across the curriculum, and help students address multiple perspectives in exploring ideas and solving problems.

Ideally teaching standards  should include a focus on 21st century knowledge and skills; personalized learning for diverse learners; a collaborative professional culture; improved assessment literacy; and new leadership role for teachers and administrators.

Total Quality Management (TQM)
TQM is a   management system for a customer-focused organization that involves all employees in continual improvement. It uses strategy, data, and effective communications to integrate the quality discipline into the culture and activities of the organization.
In English Language Teaching, TQM is perceived as a systematic approach to achieve appropriate level of quality and meet students’ needs and requirements. In short TQM is a both a mind-set and a set of practical activities being able to promote continuous improvement.


I do not want India to be an economic superpower…

 I want India to be a happy country.  


Friends….  will  Indians be happy when the free content of this  Blog is published as  a text book which is priced?....Remember ….sharing knowledge helps you build connections between disparate circumstances…

Prepared and posted by                                                             
Dr. C. Praveen
President, KUETEF

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