Monday, April 1, 2013

70. Framework for Optional Papers

 [Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

During the  Curriculum  Core Committee  meeting   on  26 March   2013, I had submitted a handout identifying the areas  to be covered for the Optional Papers:

The  area  to be  focused  on  in  Methodology- Paper IV and IX

*Knowledge  of the subject-(Language elements)
* Curriculum reforms in the subject including traditional and modern methods of teaching.
*Strategies for  teaching  various  subject matter content.
*Evaluating, monitoring and assessing student learning.
*Learning resources and their organization.
*Research and development in teaching and learning the subject.
*Ways of developing  professionally.

The  area to be focused on in  Pedagogy- Paper  V and X
Based on the Secondary level Course Book prescribed for study – both  State Syllabus and CBSE  the following should be considered:
* Planning for organizing learning in the subject.
* Exploring ways of  employing  popular principles of learning a Second language to transact the content- viz; -Learning through use     -Learning through speech        -Learning through reading       -Learning through communication       -Learning through interaction
* Using  instructional organizers like Bloom’s Taxonomy, Multiple Intelligence and Models of Teaching for transacting content.
* Employing popular instructional  strategies including  Direct Instruction, Simulation, Use of Advance Organizer, Teaching  of Concepts, Discussion, Cooperative Learning and Problem-based instruction for  transacting the content.
* Familiarizing with correct language standards.
* Ways of addressing  contextual issues in learning the subject matter content.

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When the handout was circulated, the participants observed  that  the following problems/areas  have to be  given special attention in the Optional papers:
·         Prevent the current practice of the content  of  Methodology  paper  getting  asked for  the Pedagogic Analysis  Paper and vice versa.
·          Focus on techno-pedagogy.
·         Focus on teacher as a Professional.

Accordingly, the four papers with the contents mentioned below was prepared and circulated to  the  Curriculum Core Committee members for approval  today ie; 01 April 2013.

Total Instructional hours per paper : Theory=60; Process=24
Paper IV: Instructional Methods & Strategies (First Semester)
1.       *Nature of  subject
*Current status and significance of subject
2.       Methods of teaching-Traditional and modern
3.       Learning theories
* Cognitivist
* Constructivist
4.       Teaching techniques  and strategies
5.       Instructional Design
* Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
* Multiple Intelligence
* Inter-disciplinary study
* Models of teaching
Paper V : Instructional Planning & Assessment (First Semester)
1.       Planning for instruction
* Aims, Objectives, Specifications
 * Micro Teaching
* Behaviourist (Teacher-centred)/Constructivist (Learner-centred)
2.       Lesson Plan, Unit Plan, Year Plan
3.       Planning to address:
 *Individual differences- Ability, Intelligence, Learning style
*Learner needs-Slow, gifted
* Inclusive Education-LD, ADHD
4.       Planning for computer-based lessons in Smart Classrooms
5.       Instruction for  subject- related                   co-curricular activities
6.       Testing and assessment:
*Question formats, Questions to  test different levels, Mental processes                                                  * Diagnostic  Test , Unit Test, Achievement Test
 *Formative and Summative evaluation
 * CCE   * Grading
* Assessment Rubrics
* e-Portfolio (what, how and preparation)

Paper IX: Instructional Aids  & Resources
(Second Semester)
1.       Aids for teaching  the subject
* Traditional-Audio, Visual, Audio-visual, Still models
* Modern-Animated, Digital, Multimedia
2.       Commercially available-Types, uses
3.       Web-based resources-Types, uses
4.       Content Analysis-Course Book, Source Book, Work Book, Supplementary Reader-Std 6 to Std 12 (State, CBSE/NCERT)
5.       Content Production-How  and what of Print and e-content for different  Knowledge and skills related to the subject

Paper X : Professional Growth & Development (Second Semester)
1.       Knowledge of correct content –Language standards
2.       Familiarity with  current research related  to Education, teaching and learning of subject
3.       Networking for professional growth:  Tr>Tr,  Tr>Institutions, groups          
4.       Teaching/Learning Online-What and how *LMS  What and how
5.       Reflective Teaching-Journal keeping
6.       Relating subject knowledge to community-based activity
7.       Familiarity with subject related tests and its content-GATE,TOEFL,IELTS etc.

Please  feel  free to offer your comments and suggestions for addition/ deletion…

Dr.C. Praveen

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