Sunday, October 30, 2022

149.Model Exam QP-TPACK


Second  Semester BEd Degree Model Examination, October 2022


 (2021 Admn onwards)

Time : 2 Hours                                                                         Max Marks: 50


1.Answer all the questions by choosing  the correct answer from  among the given alternatives.

(1 mark each)

1……… is a  name  associated with Pedagogic Content Knowledge.

(a)   Shulman            (b)  Skinner   (c)    Dewey     (d)  Piaget


2. …….is a  mechanical device used for presenting a program of instructional material

(a)Abacus      (b)Film projector        (c) Slide Projector   (d)Teaching Machine


3.Dave’s ESL Café belongs to……………

(a) Dave Coffee Company              (b)Dave  Sperling

(c)  British Council                        (d)  Pergamon Press


4.Obtaining goods or services  from an outside supplier is …………………………

(a)Transcription   (b)Content writing    c)Copy writing  (d) Outsourcing


5.Direct Instruction Model….…………………

(a)was proposed by David Ausubel

(b)is a teacher directed teaching method.

(c)evolved from the research efforts of Bruner

(d).is  most suitable  for  fostering creative expression

                                                                                                                   (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)


II. Answer all the questions  in one word or a sentence. 1 mark each.

6.What is a self instructional strategy?

7. Mention any one disadvantage of Programmed  Instruction.

8.What is content writing?

9. What is ‘Principle of reaction’ in Models of teaching?

10.What is the main characteristic of  an ideal literary translation?

                                                                                                                  (5x1=5 Marks)



III. Answer all  the questions in one or two sentences. Two marks each.

11. What   are  the phases of the Concept Attainment Model? 

12. Mention  a  pedagogic activity  given in the English  classroom  in any  Asian country .

13.What  are the advantages  of Forums  for  learners of English?

14. Suggest  any two ways of using  Video Conferencing  for teaching English.

15. What is technopedagogy?

                                                                                                              (5x2=10 Marks)


1V. Answer  any four questions not  exceeding  a  page and a half.  5 marks  each.

16. How  can  a  Learning Management System be used for ELT?

17. How can  Blogs and  Wikis be used for  ELT?

18. What are the advantages of Computer assisted language learning?

19. How can networking  help teachers?

20.Explain ‘branching’ in  Branching  Programming.

21.What are the characteristics of good self instructional  materials?


                                                                                                             (4x5 =20 Marks)


V. Answer  any one  question. The question carries   10 marks.

22. “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK is an ideal application in all aspects of learning, which are all important in the teaching and learning”-Illustrate  with  reference to teaching of English.

.23. Suggest  how  internet resources  can be exploited for  both knowledge enrichment and instruction  with reference to  the teaching of English.

                                                                                                          (1x 10= 10 Marks)

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