Tuesday, June 24, 2014

111. Suggested Process: EDU- 10.2

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

The Process,- a hint of the mental-pedagogical-instructional-experiential contexts felt/received by student teachers for various units  prescribed for study in Paper X: Techno-Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis : English were identified during  the BEd Curriculum Reification Workshop in April 2013. But it was not uploaded on the abridged version of the New BEd  Curriculum  available on the University Website. The same is now being  posted for use by Teacher Educators. Hope you will  find  them useful.

Dr.C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF

Unit 1 : Teacher as a techno-pedagogue  
*Assimilation  *Accommodation

Unit 2: Professionalizing  Language Education in a Techno-pedagogic scenario 
*Collaborative interaction *Intellectual accommodation

Unit 3:  ICT-enabled teaching of  Prose, Poetry, Grammar and Vocabulary

* Information Processing *Aesthetic sensibility *Creative imagination
* Becomes receptive to  Grammatical forms and  the choice
              of vocabulary for communication

Unit 4: ICT integrated assessment practices

*Logical thinking   *Accommodation

Unit 5: Self-instructional strategies

*Accommodation   *Integrative reconciliation

110. Suggested Process EDU- 09.2

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

The Process,- a hint of the mental-pedagogical-instructional-experiential contexts felt/received by student teachers for various units  prescribed for study in Paper IX: Theoretical Base of English Education II  were identified during  the BEd Curriculum Reification Workshop in April 2013. But it was not uploaded on the abridged version of the New BEd  Curriculum  available on the University Website. The same is now being  posted for use by Teacher Educators. Hope you will  find  them useful.

Dr.C. Praveen                                                                                   
Former Secretary, KUETEF

Unit 1: Curriculum and Syllabus
*Controlled listening *Discriminating framework  *Introspection *Assimilation

Unit 2.Teaching Learning Resources: School  and Community linkage
*Demonstrating thinking skills  *Manifesting  social intelligence
*Skill of discrimination

Unit 3. Instructional Materials and strategies
*Narrative expression *Thematic  Visualization *Divergent thinking

Unit 4. Collaborative and Cooperative Learning
*Collaborative interaction *Self expression

Unit 5. Inclusive Education
*Cognitive challenge  *Controlled listening *Meta cognition

Unit 6.Research in ELT
*Inductive  Reasoning  * Analysis *Synthesis *Higher Order thinking

109. Suggested Process EDU- 05.2

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

The Process,- a hint of the mental-pedagogical-instructional-experiential contexts felt/received by student teachers for various units  prescribed for study in Paper V: Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis: English were identified during  the BEd Curriculum Reification Workshop in April 2013. But it was not uploaded on the abridged version of the New BEd  Curriculum  available on the University Website. The same is now being  posted for use by Teacher Educators. Hope you will  find  them useful.

Dr.C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF

Unit 1: Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis(PCKA)
*Focussed attention and accommodation  *Reflects *Analytical outlook

Unit 2: Instructional Objectives
*Assimilation and accommodation  *Synthesis  *Higher Order Thinking

Unit 3: Planning and designing  the Teaching Manual/Lesson Plan
*Organization of ideas  *Progressive differentiation
*Systematic thinking   *Discriminates * Identifies specific uses *Reflects

Unit 4: Micro Teaching Skills and Psychological Principles
*Discriminates     *Thinks sequentially  *Gains confidence *Accommodation *Integrative reconciliation

Unit 5: Design and Development of Teaching Aids
*Discrimination   *Reflective thinking    *Collaborative Interaction
*Explores possibilities

Unit 6: Assessment and Evaluation

*Cognitive challenge  *Reflection * Self expression

108. Suggested Process EDU- 04.2

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

The Process,- a hint of the mental-pedagogical-instructional-experiential contexts felt/received by student teachers for various units  prescribed for study in Paper IV: Theoretical Base of English Education I  were identified during  the BEd Curriculum Reification Workshop in April 2013. But it was not uploaded on the abridged version of the New BEd  Curriculum  available on the University Website. The same is now being  posted for use by Teacher Educators. Hope you will  find  them useful.

Dr.C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF

Unit 1: General Introduction to Teaching and Learning
 *Reflects, adjusts,     adapts  *Accommodation  of  role expected to play

Unit 2: Nature and Scope
 *Collaborative interaction      *Intellectual accommodation

Unit  3 : Language Theories and Psychological Principles
 *Collaborative interaction      *Intellectual accommodation
           *Higher Order thinking          *Integrative reconciliation

Unit 4 : Approaches and  Methods
*Knowledge retrieval    *Knowledge utilization    *Integrative reconciliation

Unit 5: Strategies for Developing Language Skills and Communication Skills
*Feels need to master sub skills to communicate effectively
*Develops confidence  in using particular sub skills
*Reflects on need for improving different dimensions of Communication Skills
* Identifies own undeveloped aspects  related to effective communication
             and makes conscious effort to improve

107. First Semester Examination April 2014

[Posted for  the Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

Hello all,

Recently  I  had a look at the First Semester Question Paper. In EDU 04.2 Theoretical  Base of English Education-I, I was  rather shocked to find an Essay Question on Neurolinguistic Programming. Well...How did your  trainees find the  First  Semester Examination?...  A  couple of  trainees whom  I met at Trivandrum  appeared a  bit  confused.  They were of the opinion that some  distracters of the Multiple  Choice  Questions for  Paper I,I,II,IV and V were particularly difficult to tackle.  So  it is not surprising  that  when the  teacher educators met at Karmela Rani Training College, Kollam on 06  and 07  June 2014,  many suggested the  setting up of a Question Bank for  English!

Incidentally, you can view the  following link for  a  collection of questions framed by the English Optional  trainees of the 2012-13 batch of Government College of Teacher Education, Thiruvananthapuram.


Dr.C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF