[Posted for the Kerala University English Teacher
Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]
The Process,- a hint of the
mental-pedagogical-instructional-experiential contexts felt/received by student
teachers for various units prescribed
for study in Paper X: Techno-Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis : English
were identified during the BEd
Curriculum Reification Workshop in April 2013. But it was not uploaded on the
abridged version of the New BEd
Curriculum available on the
University Website. The same is now being
posted for use by Teacher Educators. Hope you will find
them useful.
Dr.C. Praveen
Former Secretary, KUETEF
Unit 1 : Teacher as a techno-pedagogue
*Assimilation *Accommodation
*Assimilation *Accommodation
Unit 2: Professionalizing
Language Education in a Techno-pedagogic scenario
*Collaborative interaction *Intellectual accommodation
*Collaborative interaction *Intellectual accommodation
Unit 3: ICT-enabled
teaching of Prose, Poetry, Grammar and
* Information Processing *Aesthetic sensibility
*Creative imagination
* Becomes receptive to Grammatical forms and the choice
of vocabulary for communication
Unit 4: ICT integrated assessment practices
*Logical thinking
Unit 5: Self-instructional strategies
*Accommodation *Integrative reconciliation