University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]
The quality of a teacher’s performance in the classroom and
school context is determined largely by the initial academic and professional
training he/she receives before being inducted to schools...
[Preface, Anthology of Best Practices in Teacher Education-NAAC & COL]
[Preface, Anthology of Best Practices in Teacher Education-NAAC & COL]
Confusion persist among Teacher Educators as to what exactly is
Pedagogic Analysis. One casuality of this
confusion is the student who
undergoes the BEd Degree course.
Questions asked for the Methodology
Paper often figures in the Pedagogical Analysis paper. In addition, even though
specific topics are assigned in the BEd
syllabus for the first and second semester, the questions asked for the First semester invariably gets
asked again in the Second Semester!
To put an end to all such
confusion, during the BEd Curriculum
2013 Core Committee Meeting held on 08
March 2013, I was directed by the
Chairman of the Curriculum Committee to prepare
a write-up on Pedagogic Analysis.
The following is part of
the write-up prepared for
circulation during the Curriculum Core Committee Meeting on 26 March
Lee Shulman in 1987 used the term Pedagogical content
knowledge to describe the
relationship between content and strategy,
to illustrate how what is being taught influences the way it is taught. At its simplest,
Pedagogic Analysis is analysis related to teaching. It implies that
the content is to be analyzed with regard to the various aspects related to teaching. This
means, trying to identify:
objectives that can be realized through the teaching of the content.
The aids
that are to be used.
The general methods that can be relied upon.
learning activities that are to be provided.
evaluation techniques to be adopted.
The objective of introducing
Pedagogical Analysis at the BEd level
for languages should include:
develop an ability to analyze the content
contained in CB 6,7,8,9,10, 11 and 12 from a pedagogic view point.
develop skill in the planning of instruction.
familiarize with effective ways of transacting prescribed content in Course
To attempt a
conceptual analysis of the
fundamentals of English language.
To equip
trainees with a knowledge of principles of test construction and evaluation procedures.
The area to be focused on in the
two Pedagogy papers prescribed
for BEd
Based on the Secondary level Course Book prescribed for study –
both State Syllabus and CBSE, the following should be considered:
* Planning for organizing learning in the subject.
* Exploring ways of
employing popular principles of
learning a Second language to transact the content- viz;
-Learning through use
-Learning through speech
-Learning through reading
-Learning through communication
-Learning through interaction
* Using instructional
organizers like Bloom’s Taxonomy, Multiple Intelligence and Models of Teaching
for transacting content.
* Employing popular instructional strategies including Direct Instruction, Simulation, Use of
Advance Organizer, Teaching of Concepts,
Discussion, Cooperative Learning and Problem-based instruction for transacting the content.
* Familiarizing with correct language standards.
* Ways of addressing
contextual issues in learning the subject matter content.
anything else to be added? Feel free to offer your comments and suggestions.
C. Praveen
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