to be noted in the New
– need for consensus
educating a teacher for the global
learner must be the main focus of
teacher education.
What are the areas that we should focus on?
What kind of learning
experience is to be provided?
What kind of products should trainees prepare?
Teachers must be able to support
learning communities that enable their students to collaborate, share best
practices, and integrate skills into the classroom practices.
Teachers should also be able to
provide access to quality learning tools, technologies and resources,
expanding the learning environment to community and international settings,
both face-to-face as well as online
*What kind of collaborative
work can be given as part
of the two papers for first and Second Semester?
*How can we familiarize
trainees with best practices in teaching and learning?
*What kind of activity
can be given to make them integrate skills- Solving
problems-Data gathering, analyzing, drawing conclusion, writing and
reporting findings.
the present revision introduces a credit based
semester approach
* How can the
teacher educator ensure that even if all the trainees in the class acquire
the necessary credit, it is still possible to clearly distinguish between those securing A Grade and Grades below A ?
thrust given for Evidence Based
Continuous Assessment as per Competency- Based Performance Indicators.
Elsewhere mention is made, where
teacher educators have to develop Rubrics for assessment. Is it available for free download? Would
such Rubrics help us clearly identify
the different competencies of learners.
Grid format of presentation of the syllabus
Through group work during the Workshop better
transactional strategies can be evolved and useful sources can be identified.
Introduction of Pedagogic Content
Knowledge Analysis (PCKA) in a Techno-Pedagogic Era in lieu of the
traditional Pedagogic Analysis.
How can we sensitize teacher educators to the
nuances of techno-pedagogy?
equipping the next cohort of teachers
to meet the challenges of the techno-savvy era…. incorporates new content and
embraces new approaches and methodologies
How can we transact the new content effectively?
Where can we get
suitable explanatory/
illustrative materials on the new
prime objective was to reify the
Curriculum to equip the prospective teachers with the knowledge, skills,
attitude, competence and commitment to face the challenges of 21st C.
The 21st Century skills
*Information and Communication
Skills-media literacy skills
*Thinking and problem solving skills- Critical
thinking, Creative thinking, Problem identification, formulation and solution
*Interpersonal and self-directional
skills-Collaborative skills, accountability and adaptability, social
-What are the challenges ?
kind of learning experience can be given to acquire knowledge, skills and competence?
-How to ensure that they develop the
right attitude and commitment?
based on Credit and Semester System with Grading
How can we
prevent the tendency to boost the performance of the trainee by awarding A Grade to all the trainees ?
Attendance will be noted in letter
grades in the mark list.
-What about women trainees who get married
or enter the family way half
way during the course?
-Should we be strict with them too?
The total number of lessons practiced
by each student-teacher during the course is 70, which include Discussion,
Demonstration, Criticism lessons, Observation of Video Lessons, ICT enabled
lessons, Observation of peer lessons, Video Lessons, lessons prepared during
the initial phase of the school visit (i.e. Initiatory School experiences)
and Practice Teaching.
*Should practice be given in
preparing Behaviourist (4
column) Constructivist or both along with Models of teaching?
* Should we guide trainees to prepare lessons for teaching Prose, Poetry, One- Act Play,
Grammar, Language skills and
Communication Skills?
* What models should we prescribe? Direct Instruction Model,
Concept Attainment Model, Advance
Organizer Model, Role Play Model, Synectics Model?
* Do we have model Lesson Plans? Should we develop model
lesson plans?
For course betterment, candidates have
to appear for both the semesters in one go, ie., in one session and higher
marks of the two ie., marks before betterment and after betterment whichever
is higher is considered.
Should assistance be provided by
teacher educators to those
students of the college who attempt a
betterment of marks (Can boost college
profile during NAAC inspection!)
Credit is a unit of input measured in
terms of 'Study Hours'. It represents the number of 'Study Hours' in a particular period of time
devoted to various aspects of the teaching-learning process such as attending
classes, engaging in assignments, projects, community activities and other
Practical Courses required for the course. Here, one credit for the B.Ed.
programme is considered equivalent to 12 Study Hours and the mark equivalent
to one credit is 10.
How can we keep track of individual students accruing credit for
performance in different activities?
Seven Point Scale is suggested for the
grading purpose and Indirect Grading shall be used. In Indirect Grading the
students are assessed using conventional marking mode and the marks awarded
are converted into letter grades as per the weightage assigned.
What course of action will be taken
if all students are rated high, but,
during Practical Examination
the performance turns out to be average?
The means of grades obtained on a
number of subjects/tasks for a specified period is the GPA. GPA is calculated
by dividing the sum of the
weighted grade points obtained by a student in various subjects in a semester
by the total number of
credits taken by him/her in the semester. The value shall be
rounded off to two decimal places.
Should this be done manually
for each student by the teacher educators or will some software be made
available for use by the colleges?
Reflective Journal : A student-teacher generated locally standardized
daily log book maintained under the supervision of the mentors-Analysis and
comments on the theory-practical integration, the nature and extend of
support-system utilization,
process analysis of success and
failure management, inference and projection of future course of correction
and developmental actions etc. can function as elements in the design of the
Reflective Journal.
Since the trainees are
unfamiliar with making entry in
RJ, should we not supply or make available
model entry in RJ for use by trainees?
Practical 3. Community based
What kind of specific tasks
can be given for language optional trainees as part of Community- based work?
EDU 05.2 Pedagogic Content
Knowledge Analysis -English
*During the Second Semester 36 days are set aside
for Practice Teaching but the Credit
for the Optional Papers in both
semester is same?
- Will we find sufficient time to transact all the
content during the second semester?
EDU 10.2 Techno-Pedagogic
Content Knowledge Analysis-English
*As the title and content is new, how well can we prepare for transaction
before the commencement of the Second
Semester through periodic
meetings of English teacher educators?
Internal Evaluation –
Internal Test 2 Nos. Seminar/Presentation 1 No
One Practicum in each subject
-Should the
Internal tests be Surprise
- Should we ask descriptive
type questions?
- Can it be in the Quiz mode?
-Can we have the current Open Book format ?
-What topics in the Optional papers can be set aside for
-If it is a presentation how
are we going to assess? (ie; for the
PPt if used, the ability to explain
and illustrate etc.)
- Shouldn’t we develop
Scoring indicators for both Seminar
and Presentation?
-What kind of Practicum can be given ? (Problem
based, Survey type etc.)
-Should we identify a list of
Practicums that can be given?
-Should each trainee choose a
different Practicum?
-If the Practicum involves data collection from
school, how is it feasible to collect data during the 4 day Initiatory school experience?
Practical work: Observation of model Video lessons
& Reporting (2 Nos. Teacher monitored)- Two Video Lessons of
teacher educators/experts have to be observed by student-teachers individually
or in small groups and their observation notes have to be prepared.
Micro Teaching- One skill practiced by each student-
Under Microteaching, each student-teacher has to practice at least one skill
with video recording and lesson notes.
Computer/ICT enabled lesson
preparation ( Total 1 as Group work)
- One computer/ICT enabled lesson has
to be prepared and video recorded as Group Work (3 to 4 students).
Development of Script for video lesson
& video recording (Total 1 – As
Group work)- Script for one video lesson has to be prepared as a Group Work
(3 to 4 students).
*Shouldn’t we develop an Observation Schedule for trainees when they view Video lessons?
* Should we not
identify the Micro Teaching Skills?
* Should we not include new Micro Teaching Skills for
Constructivist classrooms, technology-based lessons?
*Should we not develop Observation Schedule for Micro Teaching
based on the skills for trainees who
will be providing peer feedback?
* Should we not develop
a lesson Plan format for Micro teaching?
* What is the nature of a Computer-based lesson?
* How will we assess
the ICT-enabled lesson
which is expected to be video recorded?
* Who will teach how to prepare a video script?
* Should we develop model video scripts ?
* How should we assess a video script?
Initiatory School Experiences (school
visit and reporting)- School induction for 4 days with 3 periods
Teaching/Shared Practice. - Each
student-teacher has to engage 3 lessons individually or as Shared Practice.
In Shared Practice, student-teachers will be in small groups of three
members. The lessons will be divided into three parts and each student
teacher will practice one of the parts by rotation in the natural classroom
situation. Lesson plans need not be written with the rigidity employed for
Practice Teaching lesson.
* Suppose only two students are
accommodated in a Practice Teaching
school, how would the shared practice lesson be handled?
Records/reports/products related to CE
and Practical courses have to be prepared and maintained and have to be made
available for assessment, if demanded.
* What kind of report? Of individual performance? *Demanded by the Practical Board or other
examiners nominated by the University for assessing work done in each college during the first semester?
* Practical work- Each student teacher has to upload in
her/his blog a self-designed innovative lesson segment on a single concept in
the optional subject concerned.
* Prepare and upload a Power Point on a single
concept with minimum of five slides
*What kind of work can be
uploaded in the Blog?
* Should all the trainees have a similar blog address for ease in assessing?
* How should the
assessment be done? (For content only, or layout, ability to draw
audience etc)
* What kind of materials can be
uploaded using PowerPoint?
* Should it be uploaded in sites like
* Wouldn’t it be good if such work are commonly pooled and
uploaded in the institution’s own Web site?
Presentation of an innovative work in
the Optional Subject- 10 Marks
*What exactly is an innovative work?
* Why do our trainees miserably fail to produce a truly
innovative work?
*What kind of learning experience can be provided to ensure
that the trainees do produce a good
innovative aid/ product for ELT?
* How should we assess ? (The previous syllabus had set aside 05 marks only)
*Should we make available for
trainees specimen innovative
School-based Practical- Peer Review Record-10 marks- All
student-teachers have to observe at least 20 lessons of peers and record the
observations in the Peer Review Record.
*How can we ensure that the trainees really observe the
classes of the peers?
* Shouldn’t we develop an Observation Schedule for trainees to
observe the classes of peers?
*Community-based Practical- Four days Residential camp-20 marks
*Educational trip to a location of
educational/historical Importance-10 marks- Learning to live together
co-operatively, participation in programmes for development of personal and
social skills, practicing democratic living, providing chances for division
of labour, community work etc., are the major outcomes expected of the
programme. A record mentioning all the activities have to be prepared and
submitted by each Student- Teacher.
* What kind of activities would benefit English Optional trainees during a
Community Living Camp?
* What kind of
places should be visited during Study
Tour which the Optional students will
Practice Teaching for Semester II may
be arranged as a single block programme for a duration of 36 working days.
Student-teachers have to complete 40 Practice Lessons spread over in
standards VI to XII in the Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools (Kerala
State/CBSE/ICSE/ISC scheme) in the concerned Optional Subject and 2 lessons
for Health & Physical Education during this period. Graduate students can
be assigned standards VI to X and for post graduates from VI to XII. Only
those students having Post Graduate degree in the concerned Optional Subject
are permitted to undergo Practice Teaching at Higher Secondary School level.
*In Std VI and VII for SCERT Course book- Narrative mode- How
can Constructivist practices be effectively incorporated?
* For CBSE Std IX,
Literature Reader is also prescribed. Would Constructivist Practices differ?
*ICSE/ISC scheme is likely to have content which is quite
difficult for a trainee with average
ability. So should some sort of screening be done before sending trainees to schools?
The Teacher Educators have to observe
the maximum number of practice lessons of the student-teacher. Observation of
five lessons (probably at the beginning, middle and at the end of Practice
Teaching) by the Optional teacher and one lesson by the General teacher is
*How is it possible to observe five
lessons of each trainee? (It is
The prescribed lesson template
consists of two columns viz, Classroom
Interaction Procedure and Expected
Pupil Responses. Each lesson template should have a composition of
items like Curricular statements, Learning outcomes, Content Analysis,
Pre-requisites, Teaching-Learning Resources, Formative Evaluation Procedures
including Review and Follow-up activities.
*Are columns necessary for Lesson
Plans for Models of teaching?
* For Behaviourist lessons won’t you
require 4 Column Lesson Plans?
To make continuous evaluation
transparent, student-teachers should be made aware of the modus operandi of
the evaluation process and the assessment criteria. The level of performance
of the student-teachers is to be published periodically
*Published periodically…after each test?
Assessment:-For assessing student performance,
Criteria / Proforma based on rubrics have to be developed for each task by
the Teacher Educators to make assessment objective.
* When shall we as a group
prepare appropriate Rubrics ?
The marks and respective grades of
internal assessment (CE & Practical Courses) during
Semester II have to be handed over to
the Chairman of External Practical Board appointed by the University at the
time of Practical Examination- In case, the total marks awarded by the
internal and external examiner for a subject (Core papers, Physical
Education, Optional Subject and Practice Teaching) has a difference of more
than 20% of the total marks, the Chairman will examine the case and settle
the variation. In such cases the decision of the Chairman will be final.
* Should we identify
guidelines for external examiners which leads to constructive feedback for internal examiners?
Assessment- EDU-09 & 10 7. CE of Optional
subject (2 x 20 marks)
EDU 201.1 8. Online assignment- 10
*How should the Online
assignment be assessed?
Pattern of QP
Multiple Choice- 10 (1 mark each) Very
Short Answer 10 (2 marks each )
Short Answer- 4 out of 6- 20 (5 marks each) Essay
-1 out of 2- 10 marks
*Should we
consider the preparation of a Question Bank for exclusive use by Teacher Educators?
Curriculum Transaction - Strategies to be Adopted
The strategies proposed to be
adopted in the transaction of the B. Ed. curriculum include
Co-operative and Collaborative Learning, Focused
Reading and Reflection/Intellectual
Discourses, Observation-Documentation-Analysis, ICT
Enabled Learning/Virtual Tours,
Requirement Based Learning / Individualized Learning,
Multi Disciplinary Learning,
Meaningful Verbal Expression, Seminars, Case Studies,
Workshop /Dramatization / Miming, Self
Learning, Problem Based Learning, Assignment,
Debates etc. With a view to move away
from theoretical discourses through lectures alone,
the student teachers will be required
to be engaged in these various kinds of learning
experience/modes of learning
engagements. These strategies have to be initiated by the mentor, to guide
the student-teachers to go through the processes to achieve the expected
outcomes. Many probable instructional
strategies have been included with each contents in the curriculum, and the
teacher educators have to adopt the most suitable ones to make the
instruction effective.
Mental Process :- the sequence of
mental experiences-pedagogical-instructional-experiential contexts felt /
received / undergone by the student-teacher during or as a result of various
interactions viz. Intellectual dilemma, Cognitive challenge, Controlled
listening, Disequilibration and accommodation, Reflective intellectual
discourses, Contemplative self expression, Verbal and conflict management,
Narrative expression of self experiences, Field based mental imagery
formation, Collective expression of consensus point and the like constitute
the learning process.
* We need to identify appropriate activity/ Process and
strategy for :
-Focussed reading and
-Intellectual discourses
-ICT-enabled learning (ELT methodology)
-Multi disciplinary learning
-Case Study
-Dramatization, miming
-Problem based learning
-Intellectual dilemma, Cognitive challenge, Controlled
listening, Disequilibration and accommodation
-Contemplative self expression
-Conflict management
* The Mental Processes
appear to have an hierarchy. Are they all really suitable for ELT?
Academic calendar:
The course should start with an
orientation.- The purpose of General
Orientation for fresh entrants to the
B. Ed. Course is to spell out to the student-teachers the academic and
professional aspects, and also the expectations of the institution from them
in achieving the quality and standards of the professional course.
* Should we cover NCF
2005, KCF 2007?
* How exactly can we sensitize trainees to the fact that good
teachers learn every day?
* Can we together compile
English teacher role models
for trainee reference?
Components of Curriculum::
Title of the Subject-Objectives of Learning the
Subject-Contents included in the subject
-Syllabus Grid
The syllabus Grid contains four
1. Learning Objectives/Outcomes (what
the student-teachers may achieve)
2. Contents/Concepts and allied matters
3. Strategies/Approaches recommended for transaction
4. Assessment and Evaluation
*There are several good strategies. The ones mentioned in the
Grid may not be the best. We have to refine it through consensus.
* There may be several loop holes which need to be plugged.
A clear demarcation of the methodology
paper and the corresponding pedagogical analysis paper with respect to the
respective optional subjects have been worked out
* The Pedagogical Analysis paper sometimes used to test
linguistic competence.
- How can we ensure that trainees develop their linguistic
competence too, during the BEd.course.
Objectives of Optional education:
-To introduce the challenging career
of a Teacher with a futuristic perspective, as an agent of social change.
-To provide the required research
based learning experience so as to undertake a habit of self development
through inquiry and investigation.
To design instructional and learner
support mechanism – print, non-print, electronic and digital- appropriate for
the learner needs and contextual requirements.
-To undertake a self-empowerment
initiative in transacting the Curriculum from a Techno- Pedagogical Content
Knowledge Perspective.
-To identify the Entrepreneurial
opportunities of futuristic significance associated with the subject
*How can we make trainees capable of becoming agents of
social change?
* How can we ensure that self-development through inquiry
takes place?
* Should trainees as
part of Course work identify, collect or develop learner
support materials?
* What kind of activities can be given to ensure that
self-empowerment takes place?
*How will we familiarize trainees with entrepreneurial