[Kerala University English Teacher
Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]
constraint led to the deletion of the detailed description of the Content
for all the papers in the final version of the BEd. Curriculum published in
the Kerala University Website. The final version in fact states:
The components of the curriculum have been presented in the
following order.
*Title of the subject
* Objectives of learning
the subject
*Contents included in
the subject
*Syllabus Grid
[P 27
BEd. Curriculum with effect from
the academic year 2013-14]
below is the content of EDU 04.2 for quick reference:
Syllabus: EDU 04.2 Theoretical Base of
English Education- I
Instructional hours: 84
Theoretical Discourses - 60
Related Practical Work - 24
Unit 1: General Introduction to Teaching and Learning
* Language
teacher competencies
* Varying
roles of teacher of English: Knowledge worker, Facilitator, Scaffolder, Mentor,
Social Engineer and Reflective
*Teaching a
language: How learner, material and classroom influence teaching
* Maxims of
* Varying
classroom: rural/urban, strength-small/large-effect on teaching English
mode-Traditional/Modern: Face-to-face, Distance
mode, Blended learning, Virtual Learning Environment
Unit 2: Nature and Scope
*Language-Its definition, characteristics
* Basic
notions: Morphology, Phonology, Syntax
and Semantics
* English
as a global language, World Englishes
* English
as First Language (L1), Second Language(L2), as Foreign
Language (FL)
* English
in India-Its status
* Major
aims of teaching English in India:
Linguistic, Cultural, Utilitarian aim,
as library language, Language of
Higher Education and social mobility
Objectives of teaching English in India
Unit 3 : Language
Theories and Psychological Principles
*Behavioursim *Cognitivism * Chomsky - LAD and Universal Grammar
*Constructivism *Krashen’s Hypotheses
Unit 4 : Approaches and
* Grammar
* Bilingual
* Direct
Audio-lingual Method
Structural Oral Situational (SOS) Approach
Communicative Approach
Alternative Approaches :
Physical Response (TPR), The Silent Way,
Community Language Learning (CLL),
* Multiple
* Neurolinguistic
* Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
Unit 5: Strategies for Developing Language Skills and
Communication Skills
* Sub
skills of Listening-Activities , materials for developing Listening skill
* Sub
skills of Speaking- Speech, Dialogue, Conversation-Activities
* Sub
skills of Reading- Activities
* Sub
skills of Writing- Types: Creative Writing-Guided and Free, Academic
writing, Writing Reports
* Tasks and
materials for developing Communication skills
A Request to Teacher Educators:
Kindly familiarize
yourself with the content before
attending the proposed Workshop on 26 October 2013 at Karmela Rani Training
College, Kollam.
Dr. C. Praveen
Secretary, KUETEF
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