Sunday, October 20, 2013

79. Get ready for the Workshop

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

Hello all,

Do familiarize yourself with the New Curriculum before the   Workshop scheduled for 26 October 2013.

Mentioned below are terms you should know:

* Credit:... It represents the number of 'Study Hours' in a particular period of time devoted to various aspects of the teaching-learning process such as attending classes, engaging in assignments, projects, community activities and other Practical Courses required for the course. Here, one credit for the B.Ed. programme is considered equivalent to 12 Study Hours and the mark equivalent to one credit is 10. Students can earn and accumulate credits on the basis of the number and types of tasks they have successfully completed.[P5 BEd Curriculum]

*Reflective Journal: The major purpose of the Reflective Journal(RJ) is Reflection on-Action. During Practice-Teaching the RJ depicts how different aspects of teaching are interconnected. Analysis and comments on the theory-practical integration, the nature and extend of support-system utilization, process analysis of success and failure management, inference and projection of future course of correction and developmental actions etc. can function as elements in the design of the Reflective Journal.
[P6 BEd Curriculum]

*Techno-Pedagogic Content Knowledge (TPACK): (originally  known as TPCK, now known as TPACK, or technology, pedagogy, and content Knowledge).

Content knowledge  is the knowledge which the teacher has about the subject matter to be learned or taught. Pedagogical knowledge  is teachers’ deep knowledge about the processes and practices or methods of teaching and learning.   So Pedagogic Content  Knowledge covers the core business of teaching, learning, curriculum, assessment and reporting. Technology Knowledge refers to certain ways of thinking about and working with technology tools and resources. So the TPACK framework suggests that content, pedagogy, technology, and teaching/learning contexts have roles to play individually and together. Teaching successfully with technology requires continually creating, maintaining, and re-establishing a dynamic equilibrium among all components.

  A Request to the Teacher Educators:

During the Workshop, our prime focus will  be  on identifying  appropriate transactional strategies for the prescribed Content- [See Blog Post #76 and #77]. So please familiarize yourself with the following strategies mentioned in the Curriculum and  commence ruminating on ways of effective transaction of the Content using these strategies:

The strategies proposed to be adopted in the transaction of the B. Ed. curriculum include Lecture-cum-Discussion/Narration, Co-operative and Collaborative Learning, Focused Reading and Reflection/Intellectual Discourses, Observation-Documentation-Analysis, ICT Enabled Learning/Virtual Tours, Requirement Based Learning / Individualized Learning, Multi Disciplinary Learning, Meaningful Verbal Expression, Seminars, Case Studies, Workshop /Dramatization / Miming, Self Learning, Problem Based Learning, Assignment, Debates etc.

Mental Process :- the sequence of mental experiences-pedagogical-instructional-experiential contexts felt / received / undergone by the student-teacher during or as a result of various interactions viz. Intellectual dilemma, Cognitive challenge, Controlled listening, Disequilibration and accommodation, Reflective intellectual discourses, Contemplative self expression, Verbal and conflict management, Narrative expression of self experiences, Field based mental imagery formation, Collective expression of consensus point and the like constitute the learning process.         
 [P25 BEd. Curriculum]

Dr. C. Praveen
Secretary, KUETEF

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