Wednesday, February 13, 2013

54. Suggestions for Curricular Reform

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum ( KUETEF)]
Changes to the curriculum are occurring at all levels…English is … not the only subject affected … it may assume a high degree of importance with governments and indeed parents perceiving, rightly or wrongly, that a mastery of the English language is an indispensable tool for technological development, international communication and access to a career.      -Chris Kennedy  

On 13  February 2013, I attended  the first meeting of subject experts for    finalizing  the format of the New BEd. Curriculum for 2013.  English Teacher Educators present during the meeting  included the Vice President of KUETEF, Fr. Joseph John and  member of Board of Studies, Mr. Varghese from Mount Tabor Training College. Teacher Educators representing different subjects were also present. The following Handout- Suggestions for BEd. English Curricular Reform  was distributed to the members present. The meeting was chaired by      Dr. G.R.Santhoshkumar, Chairman, Board of Studies in Education (Pass), University of Kerala.
Impressions & Suggestions submitted for consideration during  the Combined Meeting of the Advisory Committee, the Core Committee and the Board of Studies in Education (UG) for discussion  of   framework of  the proposed  revision of the  BEd. Curriculum held at the  Department of Education, University of Kerala, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram on 13 February 2013

-Dr. C. Praveen, BEd. faculty, Govt. College of Teacher Education, Thiruvananthapuram, 
Member Core Committee (English) &   Secretary, Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum (KUETEF)

* Any proposed revision of the BEd. English Curriculum ought to  focus on the following six  areas:
1. Develop in trainees a proper understanding, knowledge and awareness of the English
2. Familiarize trainees with  the background to learning and teaching English.
3. Sensitize trainees with the Resources and Materials available for teaching  and learning     English.
4. Develop an awareness of ways of teaching/ managing the classroom.
5. Develop an awareness of ways of evaluating, monitoring and assessing student learning.
6. Sensitize trainees with the ways of developing professionally.

*It is requested that in the proposed revision,  the areas listed A to D  may please be addressed:

A. Different Stages
1. Entry stage:
* What is the background of the student who  joins the BEd course in English?
   (After  BA English Literature, or BA Communicative English or MA in English)
* What is the  level of competence in English  of the new entrant ?
* If the  student who registers for the BEd. English course lacks the  essential competency, what  can be 
done to help the trainee during the one-year course to achieve the   essential competency?
2. The training period- During the course:
* How many  Methods should be mastered by the trainee? Kindly note that during Practice Teaching, 
only Constructivist practices which has assumed a Methodology status is now being followed!
* How can the trainee improve ones  own proficiency in English during the Course?
3.  Exit  Stage:
* Though the  trainee is  expected to be qualified to teach at the Secondary level, in reality most  students
 who find a job in other States or Countries may be  asked to teach at  any of the following levels/ Courses:
-Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary levels   following  Kerala Syllabus, CBSE syllabus, ICSE 
syllabus, International Baccalaureate, ‘O Level’ or ‘A Level’.
-Under Graduate , Post Graduate level.
-Spoken English Course, Communicative English Course, IELTS, TOEFL, Business English, EAP or ESP
-They may even find  a job as an Online teacher, teacher of the Correspondence/ Distance mode of teaching.
-Some even become editor of articles, or become free lance journalists.

The question is,  whether the trainee at the end of the BEd. Course  acquires the necessary 
skill/s for any or  most of these !

B. Teacher as Materials Producer

As per current trends,  no teacher is expected to be dependent on Course Books prescribed for helping
 the learner acquire competency. Hence  the  trainee  who completes the  BEd English Course 
should be thorough with :
1. Different types of English  Course Books- State syllabus, CBSE, ICSE, O-Level, A-Level
2. Commercially available resources  including Print, Audio, Video and Digital resources
3. Online resources
4. Authentic materials including Print, Audio, Visual & Audio-visual and be familiar with ways   of adapting 
them for language acquisition.

The question is, how  this can be meaningfully  introduced  as  Course Work.

 C. Ability to  use technological resources- When to use what and how.

 D. Familiarity with different assessment techniques  - Including the  ability to rate and identify   
Superior, Good  &  Average ability  of  pupils in LSRW and Communication skills.

Some topics  not  included in  the present syllabus

-Mastery of pronunciation
-How to conduct  Bridge Courses
-How to teach English for employability
-Task-based Language Learning
- Sheltered Instructional strategy
-How to offer Inclusive Education in the English classroom
-Findings  of recent research on Neuro Linguistic Programming
-Familiarizing with Course Books/English Syllabuses written following  different Methods 
  (SOS, Direct, Bilingual, Communicative Approach etc.)
-Familiarizing with Course Books written specifically to improve thinking skills
     (Critical, Creative and Problem Solving)
-Ways of  developing Multiple Intelligence in  the English classroom
-Ways of introducing Inter-disciplinary study  in the English classroom
-Difference in teaching General English/ Special English syllabus
-Acquisition of  skills related to teaching through  Micro Teaching
-Formation of  Informal groups  of novice teachers through networking
-Ways of using Web technologies such as Blogs, Podcasts, Social networks, Google Docs, eBooks, 
virtual field trips etc.

Some problems teacher educators and trainees experience during the course:

* The difficulty of  familiarizing trainees within a short duration, essential knowledge about teaching and 
learning prior to  the first spell of Practice Teaching.
* No proper instruction is given as to how and when a Diagnostic Test is to be conducted. And, if 
Remedial Teaching is to follow the  likelihood of  the same  clashing with the limited periods allotted per 
day for each trainee in the school during Practice Teaching.
* Save  the Direct Instruction Model, Advance Organizer Model, Concept Attainment Model and 
Synectics Model, the other Models prescribed  for study are difficult to employ in the English classroom.
* Many trainees tend to mix Behaviourist and Constructivist practices during Practice Teaching.
 Supervising teachers in different schools  object to  this. Even the three column Lesson Plans 
submitted by trainees is  unacceptable to  the Supervising teachers.
* The questions asked in  the Annual Examination often appear to be lifted from Guides.
* On several occasions  Key and Marking  Scheme  is not submitted by Question  Paper Setters.
* Sometimes  QP setters even show an unfamiliarity with  the new English Curriculum followed     in Kerala.
* The availability of Solved Question Papers in the market  and the  guarantee of passing the   BEd. 
Degree Examination with flying colours by simply by-hearting the answers in  Guides.
* Examiners of the Practical Board  are  not properly oriented as to how exactly they should     assess 
a trainee in thirty to forty-five minutes.
* The wide variation in competence of  trainees  in different colleges who   are  being awarded a  
   distinction by the Internal Examiner.
* The unusually large number of Practicums each trainee has to write.
* The sheer inability to  produce  a  really Innovative work as Practicum.
* The tendency to  cut and paste  materials downloaded from the Internet in the assignments   
 submitted by trainees.
* The dependence on  local  agents even for preparation of PowerPoint learning materials as Course Work.

Some Proposals for consideration:

* The topics listed as missing may  be included in the Revised Curriculum 2013.
* Instead of trainees writing  a critique of three Video Lessons, they could be put in groups and be 
directed to plan and engage lessons for video recording following different Methods of teaching English- 
(Direct Method, SOS Approach, Total Physical Response etc.). This can be submitted as Group
 Practical Work for assessment.
* Instead of submitting four Practicums,  a single  Action Research and  a Project work  aimed at
 creative  material production may be given.
* Each trainee should compulsorily conduct a Case Study (collecting data related to family 
background, academic performance etc. of a pupil) duly attested by the Head of the school the trainee
 attends for Practice Teaching.
* Practice in teaching a different  stream (CBSE,ICSE) for one or two periods in a different school 
may be introduced.
* Each class should divide  the entire BEd. syllabus among themselves. Then each trainee should prepare 
 on  a single A4 size sheet the following for the topic assigned to him/her:
1. A three sentence summary of  the topic.
2. A quotation related to the topic from a standard Reference Book.
3.A list of the questions related to the topic from the previous years’ University Question Papers.
4. The trainees  should during a seminar to be conducted each day, explain the topics to peers in   
  a Seminar mode.
5. Each trainee  collects  the copies of the A4 sheets prepared by  the class and submits it  as a
  Seminar Record which is assessed.
* The newly recruited Teacher Educators should be properly oriented to the following:
- The  changing goals of ELT
- The best way to teach English  by matching learner needs using currently available material
- Ways of helping learners master knowledge of  English Grammar
- The how and what of  Second Language  acquisition and FLL
- Familiarize with  the ways of using the Language Lab, Computer Lab, Multimedia Lab and  Web resources 
for English language teaching and learning
- Individualization of  instruction and  ways of  handling  heterogeneous groups in the
     Distance mode and  in Blended Learning.
- Ways of developing   the skills of LSRW and Communication
- Strategies and techniques for assessment of student learning.

* Exit Remarks:

Only an ELT specialist can properly guide/ train a MEd. student to master the six areas mentioned in 
the beginning. The current practice in many Post Graduate Departments  of  directing the students to study
on their own their  Optional Paper: English Language Education has resulted in  producing 
 incompetent Teacher Educators in English!

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a  reality
                                                                                  - Walt Disney

Note: Many other aspects related to the impressions/ suggestions mentioned above  is available for 
reference in the Blog of the Kerala University English Teacher Educators Forum (KUETEF) 
  Please view

Prof. Sivadasan, former Dean, Dept. of Education, University of Kerala and  a  member 
of the Advisory Committee,  Revison of Curriculum 2013, and  the person who spearheaded 
the previous revision of the BEd. Curriculum,  on receiving a copy  of the Handout was 
quick to appreciate the  effort undertaken.

Dear Readers, please feel free to  post your comments, criticism 
and suggestions…

Dr. C. Praveen
Secretary, KUETEF

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