[Kerala University English Teacher
Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]
the combined meeting of the BOS, the
Advisory Committee and Core Committee members on 13 February 2013, a number of observations were made. Many present attempted a critique of the
current practices.
It is high
time we asked ourselves why complaints arise regarding the BEd programme
in the DIET, in PTA meeting in schools and also in the Media. A common
critique of reforms in Indian Education
is that we look back and make a few changes here and there- a kind of patch work. Sadly enough many among the public fail to see teaching as a profession!
The old system has failed to provide new
professionalism in teacher education. It has to an extent failed in its ability to convert a raw teacher into a professional teacher. We
need to get over the belief that
teaching is speech making!
Often, many
doubt whether the trainees of our
teacher education institutions are capable of managing classes properly.
Are they able to ask proper questions
and deal with questions from students properly? Do they know how to deal with disciplinary problems? Are they
properly oriented to the new theory of
‘knowledge construction’. Do they know how to go about making students learn
through the investigatory approach? Do
we conduct workshops for preparation of
teaching aids?
We employ
activity-based teaching in our schools, but our trainees show an inability to
connect activity with the ‘issue’ being taught. We claim
that we follow the process approach but have failed to relate it to
societal issues. Language Optional trainees often show an inability to help
pupils in classrooms acquire the skills
of Listening, Speaking,
Reading and Writing. The MEd students
also need to be familiarized with the
ability to teach students at the
International level.
current gimmicks of awarding 20 marks out of 20 for Internal
assessment and 100% first class for trainees who lack ‘quality’ should be
put to an end.
Practice Teaching what now happens is that the trainee is directed to teach
what the Supervising teacher is assigned to teach. Trainees do not get a chance
to try their own strategy.
There is a felt need to recast the concept of Practice Teaching. We have to impart proper training in speech delivery-
Proper pace/tone and the need for repetition. Trainees should develop the
ability to present the concept to be taught in two or three ways.
It is worth
remembering the fact that in a recent study conducted all over India, teachers now teaching at the
CBSE, State streams, Navodaya Vidyalaya etc. were given tests to assess teacher effectiveness.
And only six percent is said to have
attained a respectable score!
Do feel free to comment on the ensuing discussion…
Dr. C. Praveen
Secretary, KUETEF
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