Saturday, February 23, 2013

61. Framework for Language Lab Sessions (English)

            [Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

The following  is the extract from  the   proposal   I had  prepared as directed by the  Chairman of the Board of Studies in Education (UG), University of Kerala. The proposed framework was submitted for  discussion and approval by  the esteemed participants  of   the  Conceptualization Workshop organized in connection with the  Reification/Redesigning of the  B. Ed Curriculum at the   Senate Chamber, University of Kerala on 22 and 23 February 2013. 

Introduction to Language Lab

The rationale for language lab use in teaching pronunciation is evident; although students have no external feedback if working on their own, the use of the lab promotes autonomy in our students as they learn to monitor their own errors...
-Celce-Murcia and Goodwin in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 2nd ed., Marianne Celce-Murcia, ed.

Advanced   Multimedia  Language Labs  have several  uses. These include:
* Capability to have concurrent work with large groups of students.
*Maximized time on task for each student.
* Interaction/information exchange.
* Independent individualized work and group/pair work.
* Opportunity to  incorporate authentic  video and Internet materials into  language study.
* Activities including brainstorming, schema building, prediction, information gap, problem solving, word/body language association, and spontaneous verbal and non-verbal communication.

Objectives of Language Lab sessions: The sessions  are planned for the trainee to :
1.     Familiarize  with the sounds of the language.
2.     Develop the ability to  use  the language with proper stress, rhythm and intonation.
3.     Sensitize aspects related to  use of language in varied contexts.
Type of Lab Proposed           : Digital
Type of  arrangement            : Student Consoles & Teacher Console
Additional Requirements:
* Library of Listening/viewing materials including BBC,IELTS and TOEFL tests.                                              
Total  Lab sessions  :
A. 10 hours  compulsory for each trainee.
B. 10 hours  voluntarily- The sessions  are given both during the first and second semester.
[Additional sessions after regular college hours for those interested]                                             
Topics for Lab sessions:
* Sounds of English  * Accent, Rhythm and Intonation * Dialogues  in English
* Videos  that illustrate use of English in  everyday situations and in professional life
* Comprehension exercises
Proposed Strategy:
 1.Guided mode with teacher assistance.
 2.Free-to-roam mode-for trainees who require less drills may move on to complex  listening-cum-viewing  tasks.
* Marks are to be awarded for attendance of Lab sessions  and for a Listening Test  to be given at the end of the Course.
Do offer your comments  and suggestions ...

Dr. C. Praveen
Secretary, KUETEF

1 comment:

  1. Good things,really it is helpful.In this competitive world, every single company is trying their best to stand above all.

    English Language Lab
