Saturday, February 23, 2013

62. Framework for Computer Laboratory Sessions

            [Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

The following  is the extract from  the   proposal   I had  prepared as directed by the  Chairman of the Board of Studies in Education (UG), University of Kerala. The proposed framework was submitted for  discussion and approval by  the esteemed participants  of   the  Conceptualization Workshop organized in connection with the  Reification/Redesigning of the  B. Ed Curriculum at the   Senate Chamber, University of Kerala on 22 and 23 February 2013. 

What's the point of running a university computer lab when all the students bring laptops anyway? That's a question that schools have been asking themselves…the university's explanatory document notes, "... students need collaborative space where they can bring their laptops and mobile devices to conduct group work, especially as the curriculum becomes increasingly team- and project-based."
                                                -Nate Anderson in  Ars Technica

Objectives of Computer Lab sessions : The sessions are  planned for the trainee to:                                                                                          
1.     Familiarize with the use of Computer and the Internet.
2.     Develop the ability to use the Computer and the Web resources for teaching.
3.     Sensitize aspects related to the appropriate and effective use of the Computer and Web resources.
Type of Lab Proposed :  Computer Lab with Internet facility
Lab infrastructure :
 * A dust-proof room preferably with Air Condition facility.
 * Net-worked Multimedia PC’s.
 * Seating facility with one PC per student capable of  unobstructed view of
 * Teacher PC and seat  placed on a raised platform.
 * LCD projector with  screen/ LCD TV, White Board, Cell Phone, Laptop  and
      Tablet   for demonstration.          
* Library of  teaching-learning CD/DVD  and e-resources for free access by

Total  Lab sessions       : 15 hours per trainee
Ø 02 hours for instruction of  different ways of  using  the computer for  teaching  and learning.
Ø 02 hours  for providing instruction on ways  of using the Internet for teaching and learning.
Ø 04 hours for trainees to practice  the use of  computer for preparation of Word Documents, Excel files and  PowerPoint slides employing  animated gifs, visuals, audio and video files,  use of  Flash for  creating animation and  Video editing techniques.
Ø 04 hours  for  surfing  the Internet and  conducting   Web site Survey.
Ø 03 hours to prepare a multimedia teaching- learning material.
              [Additional sessions after regular college hours for  completing
                  Group Tasks]

Topics for Lab sessions :
* Introduction / demonstration of :
1. Computer-based Learning 2. Computer Assisted Learning
 3. Blended Learning  4. Social Networking 5. Learning Management System.
*  Demonstration of various  tools for teaching and learning:
- Presentation software, Microsoft Office, Linux, Movie Maker software
    such as  Studio 9, Free resources like Hot Potatoes other useful digital
    resources and Web-based resources.
* Demonstration of Video Conferencing, Podcasting and Webcasting.

Proposed Strategy:                
1. Demonstration of use of computer and ways of  accessing  free Internet resources.                                                   
2. Hands-on experience of  using PC.
3. On completion of demonstration  and hands-on  experience, each trainee is assigned the task of preparing a teaching-learning material.

Assessment :  Marks are to be awarded for :
1. Knowledge of using  digital resources.
2. Skill of producing  appropriate teaching-learning material.
3. Group work for preparation of an e-resource.

Please feel free to offer your comments  and suggestions ...
Dr. C. Praveen
Secretary, KUETEF

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