Sunday, December 15, 2013

102.Micro Teaching

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

During the First  Semester, each trainee is expected to engage  a Micro Teaching session. Eight  Skills are mentioned in P 149 of the  New Curriculum-Unit IV: Micro Teaching Skills and Psychological Principles [EDU-05.2:Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis –English ]

The eight Skills  and the  component of  each skill is given below  :

Component of the skill
Skill of  Introduction

Linking with past experience, Link between introduction and the main part, Use of appropriate devices like questioning, Use of exhibits, examples etc.
Skill of  Stimulus Variation

Body movements,  Use of gestures, Change in  voice (intonation and pitch), Change in interaction pattern, Pausing, Aural-visual switching, Physical involvement of students
Skill of explaining

Clarity, Continuity and relevance  of content, Using beginning and concluding statements, Covering essential points
Skill of Reinforcement

Use of positive verbal reinforcers (good, excellent etc.) ,Use of positive non-verbal reinforcers (writing student response on BB, Nodding of head, smiling, turning ears towards responding student , Use of extra verbal reinforces (‘hm’, ’Aaah’)
Skill of  Questioning

Structuring questions at different levels, Relevance, Grammatically correct, Delivery with appropriate speed, Prompting , Eliciting further information, Refocusing , Creating critical awareness,    Use of Lower Order and Higher Order thinking questions , Allowing time for thinking, Well distributed even to non-volunteers
Skill of using Blackboard

Legible, Neat, Adequate with reference to content, Use of match stick drawing/diagrams where essential, Use of colour chalk-to highlight/focus, Underlining where necessary
Skill of illustrating with examples

Simple, Interesting and relevant to the point being explained, Use of appropriate media, judicious use of situations/quotes, Generating similar examples from students
Skill of using teaching aids

Relevant to content, Attractive,  Rousing curiosity and  interest,  Appropriate to student level, Proper display and appropriate use, Drawing student attention

During the sessions  held on 27 and 28 November  and the
Workshop held on  14 December 2013,  (See Post # 93 and 101 in this Blog) components of  a few more skills were identified. 

They are given below:

Component of the skill
Skill of reading
*Teacher reads:
- with proper stress, intonation, accent and voice modulation
- with appropriate speed
- in meaningful units
- conveying the emotions/feelings/moods/expressions
- with proper posture while reading(avoiding movement)
- ensuring that students are listening
* While students read:
- Tr. chooses  students at random
-Switches  student  on display of   confidence  to read
- corrects mistakes
-provides positive feedback

Skill of reciting Poems
*Teacher recites:
- with proper rhythm
- with stress, intonation, accent and voice modulation
- with audibility
- with expression (capturing mood, feelings, emotions in the poem)
- using  necessary gestures
Skill of  presenting with PowerPoint
The teacher:
organizes  information in logical and interesting sequence
-uses relevant , images, audio, video,  graphics, animation, music etc.
- maintains proper eye contact with the students while presenting
- uses essential number of slides
- uses  smooth and interesting  slide  transition
- avoids  spelling/ grammar mistakes

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