Sunday, December 1, 2013

90. Model QP: EDU- 05.2

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

This Model Question Paper was prepared during the Workshop for Reification of the BEd Curriculum held at Mar Theophilus Training College, Nalanchira, Thiruvananthapuram  during April 2013.

Specimen  Question Paper - Restructured Curriculum 2013

EDU 05.2 Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis-English

Time:2 hours                                         Marks:50  

I.  Answer all questions choosing the correct answer from the

1. Which Model  of teaching is used  in an English classroom  to develop
    the  communicative competence of students?
    a)  Role Play Model    b) Direct Instruction Model
    c) Concept Attainment Model d) Inquiry Training Model
2  Which skill is appropriate for making the students attentive in class?
    a) Skill of Reinforcement  b) Skill of using the Blackboard
    c) Skill of Stimulus-variation d) Skill of Explaining
3  On what basis do you sequence a  content?
    a) Ability of students b) Maxims of teaching
    c) Philosophical Principles d) Culture
4. Why do we conduct a Diagnostic Test?
    a) To understand the difficult area of the students
    b) For promotion to the next class
    c) To assess the calibre of all students
    d) To make assessment easy
5. Identify the correct stress of ‘education’
    a) ‘education b) educa’tion c) edu’cation d) educati’on

6. Identify  the domain in which the objective of ‘organization’ is
    a) Cognitive Domain  b) Affective domain
    c) Psycho-motor domain d) Surface
7.Name the proponent of  the Advance Organizer Model.
    a) Ausubel  b) Piaget   c)  Bruner  d) Gandhiji
8.Which type  of skill  do you recommend for solving a problem ?
    a) Skill of  Prediction b) Higher Order Thinking skill
    c) Skill of Evaluation  d) Skill of Closure
9.Which is the appropriate support resource to improve the
     pronunciation of students?
    a) LCD Projector   b) Internet   c) Language Lab  d) Blackboard
10. Summative Assessment is implemented  at the…..
     a) beginning of a Term b) middle of a Term
     c) end of a Term     d) end of each period                                        
                                                                                           (1 X 10 = 10)


II    Attempt all questions in two or three sentences each.                          

11. Mention the benefits of using a Language Lab.
12.  How does peer evaluation help the student teachers ?
13.  Expand PCK and its relevance in an English classroom.
14.  Suggest two ways to create interest in learning English.
15. Mention  how feedback can be obtained in the class room.
                                                                                        (2 x 5 =10)


III  Answer any four questions not exceeding  a page and a half.  

16. Differentiate LOT and HOT questions. Suggest  two questions each in
      both the categories.
17. Explain the different mechanisms of assessment.
18. Mention the importance of Micro-teaching. Develop a lesson based on
      the Skill of  Introduction.
19. Differentiate Year Plan, Unit Plan and  Lesson Template.
20. As a teacher of English, how can you develop the thinking skill
       of your students ?
21. Explain Behaviourism and its implications in the English classroom.
                                                                                            (5 x 4 = 20)


IV. Answer any one question not exceeding three pages.                             

22. Attempt the Content Analysis of any prose lesson of Std. IX.
23. Develop a Lesson Template based on Synectics Model of
     teaching English.
                                                                                         (10 x 1 = 10)

                                         * *  * * * * *


  1. Sir,
    can u mail the format of the Content Analysis of any prose lesson ? (Question 22)

  2. Sir,
    can u mail the format of the Content Analysis of any prose lesson ? (Question 22)
