Sunday, December 1, 2013

92. Model QP: EDU- 10.2

[Kerala University English Teacher Educator’s Forum - KUETEF]

This Model Question Paper was prepared during the Workshop for Reification of the BEd Curriculum held at Mar Theophilus Training College, Nalanchira, Thiruvananthapuram  during April 2013.

Specimen  Question Paper - Restructured Curriculum 2013

EDU 10.2 Techno-Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis- English

Time:2 hours                                          Marks:50


I.  Answer all questions choosing the correct answer from the

1. The best way to choose a  Web resource for teaching is by...............
a) downloading and using as it is
b) Relying on popularity rating of resource on the Internet
c) Downloading the  resource and  critically reviewing  before using
d) Relying on time taken to download              

2 .  Which of the following is not one of the three  key components  of teacher  knowledge  .......................

a)Understanding of  Content   b) Understanding of   teaching
c)Understanding of  Salary      d) Understanding of technology

3. Teachers can tie up with institutions through..................................

    a) Language Laboratory   b) Programmed Instruction
    c) LinkedIn            d) Public Address System

4 . Forum is a ................................. on a Website

    a)  Discussion  area          b)   Spam storing area
    c)  Confidential information  storing area   d) Search Engine

5. Copy writing involves ..................................

    a) copying from a book b) using  two keyboards at the same time
    c) writing taglines         d) copying by cutting and pasting      

6. Outsourcing  is  ........................................

    a) exhausting the sources    b) teaching outside the class room 
    c) contracting out  an internal business  process d) releasing tension  

7. ............................. is an example of Learning Management System.

a)    Moodle         b)   Wikipedia    c)  CD-ROM  d) PowerPoint

8. Podcast  is a portmanteau  of the words.....................................

 a) Casting and Practice   b)  People and tools     c) iPod and broadcasting
 d) Casting and production

9. A Wiki is an .........................................................

    a)  Online data base  b) Online dictionary
    c)  Online calculator  d) Online Search Engine

10.  The expansion of  TKT is ...............................................

     a) Traditional Knowledge Trends    b) Teaching Knowledge  Test
     c) Tutor Knowledge Task                d) Teacher Kindness Test                                       
                                                                                                 (1 X 10 = 10)


II    Attempt all questions in two or three sentences each.                           

11. Suggest any  two ways of teaching the Secondary level Course Book
      using  Web resources.

12. Mention the  unique features of any two popular English Teacher Blogs.

1 3  Mention any two uses  of Google Docs by  a learner of English.

14  How does knowledge of  English help in  a Call Centre?

15. Mention   any Website offering Online  Vocabulary Games and state
      its unique advantages.
                                                                                                (2 x 5 =10)


III  Answer any four questions not exceeding  a page and a half.  

16. Write short notes on the interrelationship between Content Knowledge,
       Pedagogic Knowledge and Technological Knowledge.

 17. How  can Wiki  help in learning English?

18. How can Video Conferencing be used  effectively  by  a  Second
       Language learner of English?

19. How  can joining an Online  Professional Community help a teacher
       of English?

20. Write short notes on Information Literacy.

21. How can setting up a Learning Management System in  an  institution
       help a teacher of English?
                                                                                                 (5 x 4 = 20)


IV. Answer any one question not exceeding three pages.                             

22. Choose a poem from the Secondary level Course Book and suggest
      how it can be taught using ICT resources. Specify teacher role and
       pupil role.

23. Write a short essay on ways in which a teacher of English can grow
        professionally using ICT resources.

                                                                                         (10 x 1 = 10)

                                         * *  * * * * *

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